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@Lupin1998 Lupin1998 released this 18 Nov 01:05
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A collection of weights and logs for self-supervised learning benchmark on ImageNet-1K (download). You can find pre-training codes of compared methods in OpenMixup, VISSL, solo-learn, and the official repositories. You can download all files from Baidu Cloud: A2MIM (3q5i).

  • All compared methods adopt ResNet-50 or ViT-B architectures and are pre-trained 100/300 or 800 epochs on ImageNet-1K. The pre-training and fine-tuning testing image size are $224\times 224$. The fine-tuning protocols include: RSB A3 and RSB A2 for ResNet-50, BEiT (SimMIM) for ViT-B. Refer to the paper of A2MIM for more details.
  • The best top-1 accuracy of fine-tuning in the last 10 training epochs is reported for all self-supervised methods.
  • Visualization of mixed samples of A2MIM are provided in zip files.
  • As for pre-training and fine-tuning weights, you can evaluate them with tools/ or fine-tune pre-trained models tools/ with --load_checkpoint (loading the full checkpoints). Note that pre-trained weights stated with full_ contains the full keys of pre-trained models while backbone_ only contains the encoder weights, which can be used for downstream tasks, e.g., COCO detection and ADE20K segmentation.

Self-supervised Pre-training and Fine-tuning with ResNet-50 on ImageNet-1K

We provide the source of pre-trained weights, pre-training epochs, fine-tuning epochs and protocol, and top-1 accuracy in the following table.

Methods Source PT epoch FT protocol FT top-1
PyTorch PyTorch 90 RSB A3 78.8
Inpainting OpenMixup 70 RSB A3 78.4
Relative-Loc OpenMixup 70 RSB A3 77.8
Rotation OpenMixup 70 RSB A3 77.7
SimCLR VISSL 100 RSB A3 78.5
MoCoV2 OpenMixup 100 RSB A3 78.5
BYOL OpenMixup 100 RSB A3 78.7
BYOL Official 300 RSB A3 78.9
BYOL Official 300 RSB A2 80.1
SwAV VISSL 100 RSB A3 78.9
SwAV Official 400 RSB A3 79.0
SwAV Official 400 RSB A2 80.2
BarlowTwins solo learn 100 RSB A3 78.5
BarlowTwins Official 300 RSB A3 78.8
MoCoV3 Official 100 RSB A3 78.7
MoCoV3 Official 300 RSB A3 79.0
MoCoV3 Official 300 RSB A2 80.1
A2MIM OpenMixup 100 RSB A3 78.8
A2MIM OpenMixup 300 RSB A3 78.9
A2MIM OpenMixup 300 RSB A2 80.4

Self-supervised Pre-training and Fine-tuning with ViT-B on ImageNet-1K

We provide the source of pre-trained weights, pre-training epochs, fine-tuning epochs and protocol, and top-1 accuracy in the following table.

Methods Source PT epoch FT protocol FT top-1
SimMIM Official 800 BEiT (SimMIM) 83.8
SimMIM (RGB mean) OpenMixup 800 BEiT (SimMIM) 84.0
A2MIM OpenMixup 800 BEiT (SimMIM) 84.3