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AFL-SILK is a component of SILK (A Hybrid Fuzzer) which is implemented based on AFL 2.57b. The main idea is that explore the paths in descending order of difficulty.


  • Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 64bit


The installation process of AFL-SILK is simple because it is the same as that of AFL

$ cd afl-silk
$ make
$ cd llvm-mode
$ make
$ cd ..
$ sudo make install


AFL-SILK uses gllvm or wllvm to build target program. The following is an example of compiling with gllvm

$ apt-get install flex bison
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ cd libpcap/ 
$ CC=gclang  ./configure  --enable-shared=no
$ make -j$(nproc)
$ cd tcpdump
$ CC=gclang  ./configure
$ make -j$(nproc)
$ get-bc tcpdump

# Compile the bc with modified AFL-SILK/afl-clang-fast
$ afl-clang-fast tcpdump.bc -o tcpdump

# Prepare the initial seeds and start fuzzing
$ afl-fuzz -i in/ -o out ./tcpdump -e -vv -nr @@


AFL-SILK has a better performance on LAVA-M than on AFL. The following is an example of fuzzing base64.

$ cd /path-to-lava_corpus/LAVA-M/base64/coreutils-8.24-lava-safe
$ sudo CC=/usr/local/go/bin/gclang CXX=/usr/local/go/bin/gclang++ ./configure FORCE_UNSAFE_CONFIGURE=1 --prefix=`pwd`/lava-install LIBS="-lacl"
$ make
$ make install
$ cd lava-install/bin/
$ get-bc base64
$ mv base64.bc /path-to-lava_corpus/LAVA-M/base64
$ /path-to-AFL-SILK/afl-clang-fast -i base64.bc base64_silk
$ /path-to-AFL/afl-clang-fast -i base64.bc base64
$ /path-to-AFL-SILK/afl-fuzz -i fuzzer_input -o out -S s ./base64_silk -d @@
$ /path-to-AFL/afl-fuzz -i fuzzer_input -o out -M m ./base64 -d @@