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Linky is a tag-based bookmark manager written in Node/React and uses MongoDB for persistence.


Live demo

Note: The demo runs Linky without a user and hence you cannot add or remove links!



- Node `>= 8.0`
- MongoDB `>= v3.2.11` up and running



The available configuration options are specified in linky-api/config.js.example. Copy this file to linky-api/config.js and change the parameters as per your needs. Since Linky was designed to be used as a personal tool, signing up new users is currently not implemented. When you first deploy Linky, a new user is created using the username/password provided in config.js.


The frontend configuration options are specified in linky-website/src/config.js.example. Copy this file to linky-api/src/config.js and change the ApiURL to point to your backend installation.

If you intend to run Linky in a sub-path rather than at the server root ( instead of

>    echo "BASE_PATH=https://<server root>" > ./linky-website/.env

You will also need to set the the baseName to the base path of Linky in this case, eg: export const BaseName = "/linky"

The frontend is a browser-rendered React app created using create-react-app. You can refer to its README for any further customisations.

Building and running


Ensure you have MongoDB up and running. And then:

  cd linky-api
  npm install
  node app.js


  cd linky-website
  npm install
  npm run build
  node server.js

You can edit linky-website/server.js to change the server port or do any other custom actions. By default the api is served on port 3060 and the website on port 3061.

Other features

Pre-specifying tags

The homepage allows specifying tags to select as a query parameter:,work.

Specifying a link to add in the query

The add-link path allows you to specify the url to add as a query parameter:<url>


  • Allow editing and deleting tags
  • Allow logical operations between tags, eg: 'tools' && 'design'
  • Allow saving a filter as a bookmark
  • Show proper loading animations and error messages