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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 4, 2021. It is now read-only.

A web application for users to create 'playlists' of wikipedia articles, then share them with the world.


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Wiki Playlist

Project Setup

  1. Install Ruby 2.3.0 using RVM
  2. Install Node
  3. Install Postgres App or install PostgreSQL some other way
  4. Clone this repository and cd into directory
  5. Run bundle install
  6. Run npm install
  7. Run npm install babel -g
  8. Setup Local Postgres Database
  9. In a new terminal window type psql to start the Postgres cli
  10. Enter CREATE USER craig WITH PASSWORD 'Password';
  11. Enter CREATE DATABASE wiki_playlist_development;
  12. Enter GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE wiki_playlist_development to craig; (replace craig with username)
  13. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the test database wiki_playlist_test.
  14. Setup OAuth
  15. Run cp config/application.sample.yml config/application.yml
  16. Update config/application.yml with your wikimedia oauth token and secret. See here for details on obtaining these credentials.
  17. Update config/application.yml with Facebook and Twitter app key and secret values * See devise wiki for troubleshooting.
  18. Run cp config/database.sample.yml config/application.yml
  19. Update config/database.yml with your postgres development username and password.
  20. Run rake db:migrate
  21. If this fails because of postgres authentication, you may need to switch the local authentication method to md5. See here.
  22. Kapow! You should be ready to roll

Start the Rails App and Front End Build

npm start or foreman start -f


  • Deploy code via Capistrano: cap production deploy
  • You can create an initial nginx configuration using capistrano-puma: cap production puma:nginx_config
  • Copy config/puma.rb to APP_DIRECTORY/shared/puma.rb on the server.
  • Start and stop puma with cap production puma:stop and cap production puma:start


Wiki API


Social Media


Travis CI


Misc Heroku


A web application for users to create 'playlists' of wikipedia articles, then share them with the world.







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
