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Dacry edited this page Jul 10, 2014 · 23 revisions

The PropertySuggester is an extension for Wikidata that aims to improve the process of editing an item by suggesting relevant properties.

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Wikidata could be a lot smarter than it is right now e.g. by suggesting fields to fill and probable values. For example: when an editor edits an item about a person that is still missing the date of birth, this should be suggested as a possible property. Or when the editor is entering the sex of the person, Wikidata should be smart and suggest the ones that are used most for these properties first. Think of it as something very similar to the famous 'people who bought x also bought y' systems. (Quim Gil)

About the PropertySuggester extension

Improving the Editing Process

When a user wants to add a new statement to an item, he is suggested a list of properties that are most likely relevant for this item - without having to type anything. Once the user starts typing, the suggestions are filtered by the user input and combined with a regular prefix-search considering all properties. That way the user is still able to choose any property he wants and can potentially be inspired by the suggestions.


The following figure uses the item 'Japan' as an example to showcase the advantages of the PropertySuggester.


The figure below depicts the PropertySuggester's workflow.