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Relevance Assessment

Christian Dullweber edited this page Feb 26, 2014 · 9 revisions

Draft To determine the performance of our EntitySuggester it is crucial to determine the relevance of the suggestions and based on that make further investigations on recall/precision. Relevance is a very subjective topic, which can lead to different answers depending on who to ask for evaluation.

relevance judgements

  • ask many people to reduce subjectivity
  • sample size?
  • difference user relevance and topical relevance relevance feedback query transformation -binary relevance: relevant or not-relevant? Bayes Decision or graded relevance

Relevance Feedback

  • For a given entity the EntitySuggestor shows suggestions
  • the user evaluates the given output into relevant or not-relevant
  • use of probailistic model or vector space model? step 2: if probabilistic: calculate new probabilities
  • output changed query
  • user can evaluate changed results

Step2 hard to implement.

Blind Relevance Feedback? (Pseudo Relevance Feedback)

The probabilistic model

  • assumption relevance is binary
  • classify suggestion S as relevant(R) or non-relevant (NR)
  • put suggestion in class which has the highest probability
  • S is relevant if: P(R|S)> P(NR|S) Bayes Decision Rule (conditional probability)
  • how to calculate P(S|R)?
  • Bayes Rule: P(R|S) = P(S|R) P(R) / P(S)

naive: just evaluationg binary relevance of suggestions for a given entity