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Iron Markdown

Iron Markdown, a lightweight flavor of Markdown specifically designed for documenting components and functionalities within a React project.

1. Get started

1.1 Initialization

npm i @j0j0/iron-markdown

1.2 Features

  • Markdown to HTML Conversion: Easily convert Markdown text into HTML, saving you time and effort.
  • Support for Standard Markdown Elements: We support a wide range of standard Markdown elements including headers, lists, links, images, and more.
  • Input and Output Components: Integration is made simple with dedicated Input and Output components. Input your Markdown text and instantly view the converted HTML output.
  • Customizable Appearance: Tailor the look and feel of your HTML output with our customizable theme system, offering both pre-defined and personalized themes.
  • Retrieve Generated HTML: Easily access the HTML generated from your Markdown text for seamless integration into other parts of your application.
  • Interactive Example Site: Explore the library's features through our interactive example site, showcasing demonstrations of each component in action.
  • Visual Exploration with StoryBook: Dive deep into our components with StoryBook, providing a comprehensive visual and interactive exploration experience.

2. Examples

This is a ready-to-use example to use input and output components from our library.

import { NavbarComponent } from "../components/NavbarComponent.jsx";
import { MarkdownComponent } from "../components/MarkdownComponent.jsx";
import "../assets/renderer.layout.css";
import { useMarkdown } from "../hooks/useMarkdown.jsx";

export function RendererLayout() {
  const { markdown, setMarkdown, html, setHtml } = useMarkdown();
  return (
    <div className="containerLib">
      <div className="containerNavButtons">
        <NavbarComponent markdown={markdown} setMarkdown={setMarkdown} />
      <div className="containerMarkdownHtml">
        <div className="overflow">
          <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: html }} />


2.1 Input Markdown Component

The input component consists of the following:

import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useTheme } from "../hooks/useTheme.jsx";
import "../assets/markdown.component.css";
import { markdownToHtml } from "../services/markdownToHtml.js";

export function MarkdownComponent({ markdown, setMarkdown, setHtml, html }) {
  const { theme } = useTheme();

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [markdown]);

  useEffect(() => {}, [html]);

  return (
      style={{ backgroundColor: theme.backgroundColor, color: theme.textColor }}
      onChange={(e) => setMarkdown(}

2.2 Output HTML Element

The output component consists of the following:

<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: html }} />

3. Description

Comprehensive overview of the library, covering configuration, themes, features, components, and Markdown content manipulation.

3.1 Configuration

Sets the default theme for the library, as well as the properties that can be configured within that theme.

// themes
defaultTheme: {
    backgroundColor: "string",
    textColor: "string",
    linkColor: "string",
    codeBackgroundColor: "string",
property type description
backgroundColor string Change the backgroundColor of body
textColor string Change the color of text element
linkColor string Change the color of link element
codeBackgroundColor string Change the background-color of textarea element

3.2 Constants

Providing customizable themes to the entire library, allowing users to easily change the appearance of the interface using different predefined configurations.

name description
ThemeContext Our theme context for library that contains defaultTheme config

3.3 Hooks

These hooks are useful for managing the appearance and behavior of components in a React application, providing Markdown element manipulation and theme management functionality.


name description
useMarkdown Our markdown hooks edit state of html and markdown element


name parameters description
useTheme NONE Consume the context of the application
ThemeContextProvider { children: Enfant du ThemeContextProvider } Contains the provider of our theme config

3.4 Services

This section lists several services, each offering a specific functionality related to handling Markdown content.

name parameters description
getBlocs { md: markdown value } analyze blocs of markdown content
getLine { md: markdown value } analyze line of markdown content
markdownToHtml { md: markdown value } generate markdown content

3.5 Modules

This section introduces various modules, each offering functionalities related to text manipulation.


name parameters description
createHeadings { lines: lines value } create titles or subtitles
createParagraph { lines: lines value } create paragraph
createListItems { lines: lines value } create list items
createOrderedList { lines: lines value, index: index value } create ordered list
createUnorderedList { lines: lines value, index: index value } create unordered list

3.6 Layouts

Load content written in markdown and convert it to HTML elements.

Name Paramètres Description
RendererLayout NONE Contains our library that layout can load markdown and read it into html element

3.7 Components

Allow you to write markdown and transform it into HTML, with features such as changing themes and integrating into a navigation bar.

name props description
Button { label: Button value, onClick: Button callback } This component is for adding button inside navbar modules and change the markdown value
Form {backgroundColor: Value of theme.backgroundColor, textColor: Value of theme.textColor, linkColor: Value of theme.linkColor, codeBackgroundColor: Value of theme.backgroundColor, toggleTheme: callback for change theme} This component change the theme of our library for select specific theme
MarkdownComponent {val: Value of markdown, setMarkdown: CallBack for change the markdown variable of our useMarkdown(), setHtml: CallBack for change the html variable of our useMarkdown(), html: Value of html} This component write markdown
NavbarComponent {markdown: Value of markdown, setMarkdown: Callback for change value of markdown} This component contains all button speed markdown writer

4. Next features

New features Versions
Convert Emoji 1.2.0
Convert style markdown to style element 1.2.0
Convert blockquote markdown to blockquote html element 1.2.0

5. Versioning

Versions Status
1.1.0 FINISH


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