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Sylvain Blondeau edited this page Nov 3, 2022 · 13 revisions

Repository configuration

Use this template repository to a new Github repository in WildCodeSchool organization following this exemple : <campus>-<langage>-<YYMM>-<type>-<name> as bordeaux-php-1903-project2-servyy

Configure you repository - Settings options

  1. Add your students team as contributor .
  2. Disallow both on 'dev' and 'master' branches your students writing credentials.
  3. Disallow merge available while one approbation is not submitted on PR.

You can watch this very tiny short video : Verrouillage branches GitHub


  1. If you want to automatically deploy your master branch, you should have a caprover app already created. (
  2. In the Github repository, Settings > Secrets, add 2 secrets:
  • CAPROVER_APP_NAME : with the name of your app on WCS caprover
  • CAPROVER_PASSWORD : with the password of WCS caprover

And that's all ! A Github action workflow is already configurated, it will deploy on each update of master branch !



Remember to set the following environment variables in the App Configs (on CapRover)

  • DB_USER : with the corresponding values
  • DB_NAME: with the corresponding values
  • DB_HOST: with the corresponding values
  • DB_PASSWORD: with the corresponding values

(you still have to manage the database updates manually)

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