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Terrier Taste

Terrier Taste is an application that aims to reduce food waste at Boston University dining halls by creating a food rating feedback system. A BU student will have the ability to review, rate and comment on menu items served at any dining hall on campus.

This application tech stack includes the following: Flutter, Xcode, Android Studio, Python and Firebase.

Getting Started

Getting started with the Terrier Taste application:

Step 1. Make sure to have at least (equal or higher) the following Flutter version and dependecies downloaded on your device:

  • Flutter Version: 3.7.4
  • Dart SDK Version: 2.19.2
    (To check the flutter version, Run flutter --version)
    (To check the Dart SDK version, Run dart --version)

Step 2. Open a new terminal and run flutter doctor to ensure that then flutter dependcies are satified.

Step 3. Next, open a simulator with the following command so you are able to display the application: open -a simulator

Step 3. Clone the repository onto your desktop.

Step 4. cd into 'green_n_go' folder and run flutter run

How to use Terrier Taste:

Sign In

Once you have read and passed the introduction screens, you may either choose to login as a guest or through a google account if you are a BU student. If you are a BU student you should be able to select your dietary preferences as they will be saved to your personal profile.

Navigation Bar & Profile

You may navigate through different screens of our applicaiton via the navigation bar on the bottom banner on the screen. There are 3 distinct pages you can visit. The first is the home page which you are currently viewing, the second is your personal profile page and the third is the accomplishment/rewards page. Your personal profile will store the personal preferences as well as a place where you will be able to log out of the application. The rewards page will hold badges that a you can earn dependent on how many comments or ratings you have made.

Dining Halls & Menu Features

Next, you will be directed to the home page where you can choose one of three dining halls on campus. You will have the ability to look at the menu items, ratings, comments and reivews of each of the menus at the three locations. When giving a rating you may simply click on any of the paw icon buttons on a given menu item and rate the food from a 1-5, how much of the plate you have eaten and leave a comment. If you are to swipe right of the reivew screen the nutritional details are presented, if you are to swipe to the right of the review screen thats where you will see all of the comments previous users have commented.