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Workout tracking mobile app using React Native and Firebase

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This mobile app allows users to track their workouts and view stats per exercise. Users are able to navigate to a calendar screen, choose a date, and either add a workout or edit an existing one. They can aslo navigate to the stats screen, choose an exercise, and view its stats based on a user-provided date range.


Authentication Screen

screenshot of authentication screen

Profile Screen

screenshot of profile screen

Calendar Screen

coming soon

Workout Screen

coming soon



How to get to the authetication screen

  • When the user opens the app and is not signed in, they are directed to the authentication screen.
  • When the user logs out, they are directed to the authentication screen.

Relevant components to this feature

  • text input for email address
  • text input for password
  • button to sign-in
  • button to sign-up

User Actions

  • User signs up with an invalid or existing email address

    • Currently nothing happens. See issues.
  • User signs in with an invalid email address and/or and invalid password

    • Currently nothing happens. See issues.
  • User successfully signs up or successfully signs in

    • The user is signed in, the firestore's users collection is updated with the new user, and the user is directed to the profile screen where they'll see an option to log out.
  • User selects log out

    • User is logged out and directed to the authentication screen.

Update Profile Info

How to get to the profile screen

  • When the user signs in, they are directed to the profile screen.
  • If the user is already signed in upon opening the app, they will automatically be directed to the profile screen.
  • They can also navigate to the profile screen by selecting the bottom left tab.

Relevant components to this feature

  • text indicating the user's name (default is anonymous)
  • button to log out
  • button to edit info

User Actions

  • User selects edit info

    • The user's name changes into a text input, pre-filled with the user's current name.
    • The edit info button changes to a save changes button.
  • User selects save changes

    • If the user's new name is different from the old name and is at least one character long, the firestore is updated with the new name.
    • The text input changes back to regular text, displaying the new name if it's valid, or the old name otherwise.
    • The save changes button changes to a edit info button.

View Workouts in Calendar

How to get to the calendar screen

  • Select the middle tab at the bottom of the screen.

Relevant components to this feature

  • Upon the initial visit of the session, the current week will display.
  • The screen title is updated to show the first day of the week (sunday).
  • Below the title are three buttons for navigating the calendar.
  • Each day will display it's date, a workout title if a workout exists, or a plus sign if a workout doesn't exist. Workouts with the default title untitled will only display if there is at least one exercise.

User Actions

  • User selects the left arrow button (<)

    • The previous week's workouts are loaded*.
  • User selects the right arrow button (>)

    • The next week's workouts are loaded*.
  • User selects the today button

    • The current week's workouts are loaded*.

*For faster loading, before querying the firestore for workout info, the cache is checked to see if the workout has already been loaded during this session. The firestore is queried for the workout info only if the cache doesn't have it. The info is stored in the cache after receiving it from the firestore.

Workout (Add, View, Edit, Delete)

How to get to the [workout screen]

  • The user must first navigate to the calendar screen.
  • Selecting a day that previews a workout title will display that workouts info.
  • Selecting a day that shows a plus sign will display an empty workout.

Relevant components to this feature

  • The screen title shows the date that was selected.
  • top-right save button
  • top-right delete button
  • text input showing workout's title (default is untitled)
  • text input showing user's bodyweight (default is 900)
    • eventually the default will be the user's most recent bodyweight
  • add exercise button, below all existing exercises
    • no exercises exist upon workout creation
  • Within exercise component:
    • text input showing exercise title (default is untitled)
    • minus and plus buttons surrounding the text "SETS"
      • one set exists upon exercise creation
    • delete button in top-right
    • Within set component:
      • text input showing goal amount of reps (default is 5)
      • text showing completed reps (default is blank)
      • text input showing amount of weight to be lifted (default is 100)

User Actions

  • User changes workout title and or bodyweight

    • The workout data in the cache will be updated so the changes persist when switching between workouts during the same session.
  • User taps the add exercise button

    • A new default exercise is added above the add exercise button.
  • User changes the exercise title, rep goal, and/or weight

    • The workout data in the cache will be updated so the changes persist when switching between workouts during the same session.
  • User taps the minus button next to the "SETS" text

    • The right-most set is deleted and the cache is updated. It is impossible to delete the very first set.
  • User taps the plus button next to the "SETS" text

    • A new set is added to right of the right-most set. The rep goal and weight of the right-most set is copied. The reps completed of the set will be blank.
  • User taps the reps-completed circle

    • Each time it is tapped, the number inside decrements until it reaches 0. A tap after 0 will turn it into a blank circle. A subsequent tap will show the goal amount of reps. The cache is updated upon each tap.
  • User taps the delete button within the exercise component

    • That exercise is removed and the cache is updated.
  • User taps the top-right save button

    • The workout info inside the firestore and inside the cache is updated. The user is directed back to the calendar screen. If the user does not save their changes, the updated workout info will not persist between sessions.
  • User taps the top-right delete button

    • The workout tied to this date within the firestore is deleted. The workout inside the cache is updated with a default workout. The user is directed back to the calendar screen.


  • Alert user of authentication issues

    • When users attempt to sign-up with an invalid or existing email address or attempt to sign-in with an invalid email address or password, nothing happens; There is no indication that something went wrong. They should be alerted about the issue.
  • Trim email and password when autheticating

    • When users use autocomplete to enter their email and password, a trailing space is inserted. Trim the email and password of surrounding white space before authenticating the user.
  • Calendar is not immediately loading upon initial visit

    • Upon the first visit to the calendar screen, each day displayed loading and the screen title displayed the last day of the week (saturday) when it should have displayed the first day of the week (sunday). It did not correct itself until I tapped the today button. I'm unsure if tapping something else would have triggered it to correct, but it's an issue nonetheless.
  • Workout previews are not immediately updated

    • The previews will update immediately if navigating back to the calendar screen by way of the workout save or delete buttons, but not by way of back button. The preview will only update after navigating away from that week and then back into it.
  • It isn't obvious that updated workouts have not been synced to the firestore

    • After adding a new workout or updating an existing one, users might navigate back to the calendar screen by way of the native back button without realizing that they will lose their updates if they don't go back into the workout screen and tap the save button. Maybe the native back button should be updated to sync the workout info to the firestore, and the save button should be removed.


  • Expo for a fast React Native build
  • Firebase for user authentication and storage


  • Only one workout is allowed per day
  • It is assumed that exercises involve lifting weight (bodyweight counts)

React Navigation & Components

App Tabs
    Profile Tab
        Profile Stack
            Profile Screen
                Loading Component
                Auth Component --> Profile Component
                Profile Component
    Calendar Tab
        Calendar Stack
            Calendar Screen
                DayRow Component
                    Day Component --> Workout Screen
            Workout Screen --> Calendar Screen
                Exercise Component
                    Set Component
    Stats Tab
        Stats Stack
            Stats Screen



  name: STRING,
  workouts: collection


  date: STRING, //unique; Www Mmm DD YYY (ex. Mon Feb 22 2021)
  title: STRING,
  bodyweight: INTEGER,
  exercises: [exercise schema]


  name: STRING,
  sets: [set schema]


  goal: INTEGER,
  reps: INTEGER,
  weight: INTEGER,