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A shell script for automized processing of pdb-files with vmd and APBS


  • pdb files are converted to pqr-files.
  • the electrostatics are calculated (with VMD, using the amber force-field)
  • exports as wavefront-obj-files and as dx-files the electrostatic potential
  • creates one big picture containing the es,el,ss pictures of all the input molecules
  • creates a gif containing all el -pictures

Getting started

Copy the Folder /ExampleHierarchy/ to your desired location. Rename the folder as you wish. Copy your pdb-files into /ExampleHierarchy/Input/pdb/

After setting up the folder hierarchy omit the following call from the folder containing Input and Output


where pathToMutComp is the path to the local repository on your machine.

An example is included in M43Copy. To run the example with you can do:

    cd /M43Copy

the results will be stored in /M43Copy/Output.


In order to use the graphical-user-interface go to /GUI/build-GUI-Desktop-Debug/ and click on the executable GUI.

parametersFile pecifies the path to where the parametersFile parameters.txt can be found.


If you want to have your pictures appear in a specific ordering add a file ordering.txt in the output-folder. This file has to contain the names of the proteins in the order that you want them to apper in the file overview.png.


Willy Bruhn, MD Faruq Hossain