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Miko (shrine maiden) is a shooting game based off of Touhou, the popular Japanese bullet hell shooter. The game is written in JavaScipt and uses EaselJS for game rendering.

How to Play

The goal of Miko is to weave through the barrage of enemy bullets for as long as possible before losing all of your lives. You lose a life when an enemy or enemy bullet makes contact with your green life orb. Try to beat your personal high score.

Move your character using , , , and . Shoot with z or SPACE.


2D Rendering

Since it provides a simple API for working with the HTML5 canvas, Miko utilizes EaselJS for 2D rendering. All game objects inherit from BoardObject, which includes:

  • container property - All EaselJS DisplayObjects associated with a BoardObject are added to this container before drawing on the EaselJS stage.
  • draw method - Adds a BoardObject's container to the EaselJS stage.
  • move method - Updates the position of an object based on its velocity. Velocity-based movement updates allow simple scaling through multiplying the velocity vector by a constant factor.

Object movement is bound to EaselJS Ticker's tick event for smooth canvas updates.

bindFrameTick() {
  const ticker = createjs.Ticker;

  ticker.framerate = 60;

  ticker.addEventListener("tick", (e) => {
    if (!ticker.paused) {




In order to accommodate multiple key presses for player movement, Miko uses objects to store key presses. This gives the user full range of 2D movement, including diagonal movement. In addition, key presses in opposite directions undergo an uninterrupted transition. The player moves in the direction of the most recent horizontal and vertical keypress.

_setMovementKeyPress(e) {
  const key = e.key;

  if (key === KEY_LEFT || key === KEY_RIGHT) {
    this.horizontalKeys[key] = e.type === 'keydown';
  } else if (key === KEY_UP || key === KEY_DOWN) {
    this.verticalKeys[key] = e.type === 'keydown';

High Scores

A global leaderboard of the top ten scores is stored using Google Firebase's Realtime Database API. Database interactions are located in the database.js library file. The app keeps its leaderboard in sync using Firebase's on method to subscribe to leaderboard changes. Updates to the leaderboard rely on Firebase's transaction method to prevent corruption by concurrent leaderboard updates.

getLeaderboard() {
  firebase.database().ref('/scores/easy').on('value', (snapshot) => {
    const highScores = snapshot.val();
    this.highScores = highScores;
updateLeaderboard(scoreObj) {
  firebase.database().ref('/scores/easy').transaction((scores) => {
    if (scores) {
      for (let i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) {
        if (scoreObj.score > scores[i].score) {
          const tempScoreObj = scores[i];
          scores[i] = scoreObj;
          scoreObj = tempScoreObj;
    return scores;

The user's personal high score is stored under the high_score key using Web API's local storage, so the high score is persisted across browser sessions until local storage is cleared.

Future Features

  • Global leaderboard
  • Multiple difficulty levels
  • Additional bullet patterns
  • Additional enemy patterns
  • Enemy item drops


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