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Here we show how to use the ideal ROC curve demonstrated here to pick an optimal utility threshold. The announcement discussion is here.

We can use this parametric idealization to simplify choosing thresholds.

Suppose we are told our problem is predicting account cancellation. Our model predicts the risk of cancellation with the above ROC curve. “Positive” accounts are those that are going to cancel, though perhaps we can alter that with an intervention.

And we are told (just using nominal figures here):

  • Time discounted customer lifetime value v = $400

  • The cancellation prevalence is p = 0.04

  • The cost of an intervention (calling the customer, offering a discount) is s = $10, and moves the retention probability to f = 0.5 for customers who where leaving and has no effect for other customers.

Then we want to pick an intervention threshold that maximizes our utility under the above model and specifications. The idea is: there is an optimal sensitivity and specificity trade-off determined by the above parameters. Obviously we want sensitivity = 1 and specificity = 1, but we have to accept the base trade-off that our model’s supplies. What sensitivity/specificity trade-offs are available for our model is exactly the content of the ROC curve.

We define utility as:

  • Each true negative is worth v, we see the customer lifetime value and incur no intervention cost.

  • Each false positive is worth v-s, we see the customer lifetime value but do incur the intervention cost.

  • Each false negative is worth 0, we lose the customer.

  • Each true positive is worth f*v-s, we incur the intervention cost and maybe retain the customer.

So the expected value per-customer of a decision rule is:

true_negative_count * v + 
   false_positive_count * (v-s) + 
   false_negative_count * 0 + 
   true_positive_count * (f*v - s)

So our utility function is defined as thus, using the q = 0.61 example from here.

## Warning: replacing previous import 'vctrs::data_frame' by 'tibble::data_frame'
## when loading 'dplyr'
library(sigr) # requires version at least 1.1.0
q = 0.61

v = 400
p = 0.04
s = 10
f = 0.5

fn <- function(specificity) {
  roc_curve <- data.frame(
    Specificity = specificity,
    Sensitivity = 1 - (1 -  (1-specificity)^q)^(1/q) # our model
  roc_curve <- sigr::add_ROC_derived_columns(roc_curve, p)
  # average utility
  roc_curve$average_utility = roc_curve$true_negative_prevalence * v + 
   roc_curve$false_positive_prevalence * (v-s) + 
   roc_curve$false_negative_prevalence * 0 + 
   roc_curve$true_positive_prevalence * (f*v - s)

We can plot and optimize this easily.

d_utility <- fn(seq(0, 1, length.out = 101))

  data = d_utility,
  mapping = aes(x = Specificity, y = average_utility)) +

The optimal trade-off is given here:

best_idx = which.max(d_utility$average_utility)[[1]]
str(d_utility[best_idx, ])
## 'data.frame':    1 obs. of  11 variables:
##  $ Specificity              : num 0.77
##  $ Sensitivity              : num 0.577
##  $ FalsePositiveRate        : num 0.23
##  $ TruePositiveRate         : num 0.577
##  $ TrueNegativeRate         : num 0.77
##  $ FalseNegativeRate        : num 0.423
##  $ false_positive_prevalence: num 0.221
##  $ true_positive_prevalence : num 0.0231
##  $ true_negative_prevalence : num 0.739
##  $ false_negative_prevalence: num 0.0169
##  $ average_utility          : num 386

Using the idea curve for optimization has the advantage that we are working with a smooted estimate that depends on all of the data.

The model says, for this population, and these costs, our best trade-off is to run at specificity 0.77 and sensitivity 0.58. This optimal solution is trading-off cost of interaction with possible loss of revenue. With different rates, revenue, and costs we would have a different optimum trade-off.