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VxWorks® 7 Client for the IBM® Bluemix® Platform
User Guide


This README page provides a quick summary of how to build and run the IBM Bluemix SDK that will reside in VxWorks 7 on your device. The IBM Bluemix SDK is an embedded C client library for interacting with the IBM Watson Internet of Things (IoT) Platform. This client library is not provided in VxWorks 7 RPM packages or on the VxWorks 7 product DVDs . You will need to manually install this library on VxWorks 7.

Release note: The current release only works with VxWorks 7 SR0540 and earlier releases.

Project License

The license for this project is the BSD-3-Clause. Text of BSD-3-Clause license and other applicable license notices can be found in the LICENSE_NOTICES.txt file in the top level directory. Each source files should include a license notice that designates the licensing terms for the respective file.


Before install the Bluemix SDK in VxWorks 7, please prepare your development environment:

  1. Install git and make sure git can be run from a command line.

  2. Bash is required in your enviroment, for Windows you can use git bash.

  3. Make sure VxWorks 7 DVD has been installed.

  4. Make sure the IBM Bluemix SDK source code is available from the maintainer's website:


First, you need to download the VxWorks 7 IBM Bluemix layer from:

Once the layer is present in your VxWorks 7 installation you can download the IBM Bluemix SDK and apply some necessary patches to make it suitable for building with VxWorks 7. To download and patch the SDK you must run the script found in the layer's src directory. Note that will download the IBM Bluemix SDK from the IBM github site.

  • Download the bluemix layer into VxWorks 7

      cd $WIND_BASE/pkgs/net/  
      mkdir cloud  
      cd cloud  
      git clone bluemix
  • Run the setup script

      cd $WIND_BASE/pkgs/net/cloud/bluemix/src 

VSB and VIP creation using WrTool

The VxWorks 7 VSB (VxWorks Source Build) and VIP (VxWorks Image Project) can be created using either the Wind River Workbench environment or the command line tool WrTool. Below are the steps to create them using WrTool, with the itl_quark BSP as an example.

  • Set environment variable and change directory

      export WIND_WRTOOL_WORKSPACE=$HOME/WindRiver/workspace   
  • Create VSB using WrTool

      wrtool prj vsb create -force -bsp itl_quark vsb_PENTIUM_32_up -S      
      cd vsb_PENTIUM_32_up      
      wrtool prj vsb add IBM_BLUEMIX     
      make -j[jobs]  <-- set the number of parallel build jobs, typically 2, 4, 8     
  • Create VIP using WrTool

      wrtool prj vip create -force -vsb vsb_PENTIUM_32_up itl_quark gnu vip_quark_kernel -profile PROFILE_STANDALONE_DEVELOPMENT  
      cd vip_quark_kernel  
      wrtool prj vip component add DRV_VXBEND_QRK_GMAC  
      wrtool prj vip component add INCLUDE_IBM_BLUEMIX  
      wrtool prj vip parameter set DNSC_PRIMARY_NAME_SERVER   "\"\""  ///< Please replace "" with your own DNS server address.  
      wrtool prj vip parameter set DNSC_SECONDARY_NAME_SERVER "\"\""  ///< Please replace "" with your own DNS server address. 

    The test sample of iotfclient is provided in cfg/usrBluemixDemo.c and in src/bluemixSample.c. It can be used to connect your device to the IBM Bluemix cloud, to publish events to the cloud, and to subscribe to commands from the IBM Bluemix cloud. To enable this sample, you need to add the INCLUDE_BLUEMIX_DEMO component, as shown below:

      wrtool prj vip component add INCLUDE_BLUEMIX_DEMO

    If you want to create a connection to the quickstart service, set parameters as follows:

      wrtool prj vip parameter set BLUEMIX_QUICKSTART_MODE    TRUE

    If you want to create a connection to a registered service, set parameters as follows:

      wrtool prj vip parameter set BLUEMIX_QUICKSTART_MODE    FALSE  
      wrtool prj vip parameter set BLUEMIX_DEVICE_ID          "\"galileo_bb2b\""  
      wrtool prj vip parameter set BLUEMIX_DEVICE_TYPE        "\"vx7_Galileo\""  
      wrtool prj vip parameter set BLUEMIX_ORG_ID             "\"8hvetd\""  
      wrtool prj vip parameter set BLUEMIX_TOKEN              "\"dhVLQ1U7@yqAffPME7\""  

    NOTE: The values of the above four parameters should be consistent with the information of the device registered in the IBM Watson IoT platform.

    To set up a secure connection over SSL, first include the OPENSSL layer in the VSB, as follows:

      wrtool prj vsb add OPENSSL  

    Then you can set BLUEMIX_SECURE_CONNECTION to either TRUE or FALSE in the VIP, depending on whether a secure connection is required. The default value is TRUE.

      wrtool prj vip parameter set BLUEMIX_SECURE_CONNECTION  TRUE  
      wrtool prj vip parameter set BLUEMIX_CAFILE_PATH        "\"/romfs/SSLCACert.pem\""  
      wrtool prj romfs create romfs  
      wrtool prj romfs add -file $WIND_BASE/pkgs/net/cloud/bluemix/certs/SSLCACert.pem romfs   
      wrtool prj subproject add romfs vip_quark_kernel  
      cd $WIND_WRTOOL_WORKSPACE/vip_quark_kernel  


      wrtool prj vip parameter set BLUEMIX_SECURE_CONNECTION   FALSE  
      wrtool prj build  

    The Bluemix sample can also be run in VxWorks user space (i.e., in a VxWorks RTP). A Bluemix RTP file bluemix.vxe is generated in ${VSB_DIR}/usr/root/gnu/bin when building the VSB. To auto-spawn the demo in an RTP, you need to add the INCLUDE_ROMFS component, then set parameter BLUEMIX_RTP_APP to TRUE, and set BLUEMIX_RTP_PATH to "/romfs/bluemix.vxe", as shown below:

      wrtool prj vip parameter set BLUEMIX_RTP_APP            TRUE  
      wrtool prj vip parameter set BLUEMIX_RTP_PATH           "\"/romfs/bluemix.vxe\""  
      wrtool prj romfs create romfs  
      wrtool prj romfs add -file ${VSB_DIR}/usr/root/gnu/bin/bluemix.vxe romfs   
      wrtool prj subproject add romfs vip_quark_kernel  
      cd $WIND_WRTOOL_WORKSPACE/vip_quark_kernel  
      wrtool prj build  

    Now you can bring up your device, and it will auto-run the Bluemix SDK in a VxWorks RTP.

VSB and VIP creation using Workbench

  • Create VSB using Workbench
  1. Open Workbench 4

  2. Click File > New > Wind River Workbench Project

  3. Set "Build type" to "Source Build"

  4. Click "Next", set-up the project based on the desired board support package or CPU

  5. Click "Finish" to create the VSB project

  6. Open "Source Build Configuration" in the Project Explorer of vsb_itl_quark_1

  7. Right-click the IBM_BLUEMIX layer in the net option folder and select "Add with Dependencies" to add the IBM_BLUEMIX layer, as shown in the figure below:

  8. Follow the same steps to add OPENSSL layer in this project

  9. Click File > Save to save the source build configuration

  10. Right-click the vsb_itl_quark_1 in the project explorer and then click "Build Project" to build the VSB.

  • Create VIP using Workbench
  1. After you have built the VSB, click File > New > Wind River Workbench Project

  2. Set "Build type" to "Kernel Image"

  3. Click "Next", then set-up the project based on the existing VSB vsb_itl_quark_1, which was created in the above section

  4. Click "Next", then set profile to "PROFILE_STANDALONE_DEVELOPMENT"

  5. Click "Finish" to create the VIP project

  6. After creating the VIP project, configure the components and parameters of the "Kernel Configuration" in the VIP Project Explorer, as shown in the figure below:

  7. You'll need to include the component INCLUDE_IBM_BLUEMIX. If you want to run the Bluemix SDK demo provided in src/bluemixSample.c, you also need to include the component IBM_BLUEMIX_DEMO

  8. For information on setting parameters, refer to the above section "Create VIP using WrTool"

  9. Click File->Save to save the components configuration

  10. Click File > New > Project > VxWorks 7 > VxWorks ROMFS File System Project, name the project romfs and set the Superproject to your VIP project.

  11. Click Add external and add the files you want to store in romfs to the ROMFS project.

  12. Right-click the vip_itl_quark_1 in the project explorer and then click "Build Project" to build the VIP.

    Note: If you don't want to store cert file or other files in romfs, you can skip step 10 and 11.

View the device information at website

You can run your device image with the Bluemix SDK and then view the device information dashboard at the IBM Bluemix website.

Legal Notices

All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. All company, product and service names used in this software are for identification purposes only. Wind River and VxWorks are registered trademarks of Wind River Systems. IBM and Bluemix are registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation.

Disclaimer of Warranty / No Support: Wind River does not provide support and maintenance services for this software, under Wind River’s standard Software Support and Maintenance Agreement or otherwise. Unless required by applicable law, Wind River provides the software (and each contributor provides its contribution) on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties of TITLE, NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the software and assume ay risks associated with your exercise of permissions under the license.