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Open-source light-weight backend for CAB, written in TypeScript using PostgreSQL for data storage


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CAB Backend

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Custom backend for CAB, written in TypeScript using PostgreSQL for data storage. Core highlights

  • ⚖️ Light-weight, syncs the bare minimum - block slots and hashes, tx hashes of submitted transactions, and used addresses
  • ♻️ For other data uses Ogmios Ledger State Queries, such as UTxOs, protocol params, or current reward account summaries
  • 🚀 Fast to sync data, preprod can be synced from Genesis in under 15 minutes on a laptop

Why another indexer / backend service?

We evaluated other alternatives out there and from those none just fit our needs. We use CAB with our backend mainly for agents (off-chain component to smart contracts) and enabling users to connect directly with Ledger / Trezor to our dApp. With that in mind:

  • cardano-db-sync is a monolith and great when you need all the data from the blockchain in a DB, however it takes up a lot of space and resources and is not the cheapest to run.
  • kupo is nice, but lacked some features around address discovery that we wanted
  • other indexers we evaluated were also either too feature-full for our needs or too minimal

We came to the conclusion that we actually don't need an indexer of all UTxOs as we can just use the State Query from Ogmios. Yes, we acknowledge that querying UTxOs from Ogmios can be slower than for example querying them from an indexer like Kupo. However, the difference is not terrible and with the non-frequent usage of the backend it actually makes sense to cut down on storage costs in favor of slighlty slower UTxO queries.

So the resulting backend is a bundle of a simple indexer, that aggregates used addresses, tx hashes of submitted transactions, and a wrapper around some required Ogmios queries. This results in a relatively low-profile, easy to maintain, and fast backend.


We provide Docker images for CAB Backend. There are individual tags for releases and the latest tag on Docker Hub mirrors the state of the main branch.

To run CAB Backend requires:

  • cardano-node
  • ogmios
  • PostgreSQL

Example deployment is described in docker-compose.yml.


The CAB Backend can be run in three modes:

  • aggregator - runs only the chain sync component of the backend, indexing/aggregating the relevant on-chain data to database, and minimal healthstatus API
  • server - runs the API server that runs queries against data in database
  • both - runs both modes simultaneously

In our experience separating services these way proved useful, as it enables easier horizontal scaling of the server, which can be beneficial under higher loads. Bear in mind, that if the bottle-neck are the Ogmios queries, Ogmios and cardano-node might also need to be horizontally scaled.


Get protocol parameters


GET /protocolParameters


Code: 200

Content Example

    "minFeeCoefficient": 44,
    "minFeeConstant": {
        "ada": {
            "lovelace": 155381
    "maxBlockBodySize": {
        "bytes": 90112
    "collateralPercentage": 150,
    "maxCollateralInputs": 3,
    "version": {
        "major": 8,
        "minor": 0

Return protocol parameters obtained from Ogmios, the returned type corresponds to ProtocolParameters from @cardano-ogmios/schema

Get UTxOs for addresses


GET /utxos?addresses=addr...,addr...


  • addresses - Array of addresses in BECH32 form or in hexadecimal format, separated by commas ,


Code: 200

Content Example

        "address": "addr_test1qqydes3g449j3qr68hxhmr4ku7zp7cw88wk0hyl9t395hn8hs9qws4yyv92erd7zlnay2rh7va42gc7rxsm22hpn38zsayyufn",
        "index": 7,
        "transaction": {
            "id": "f61564211310e30c9aa7fc6bd12a86dc5fe94b0f907b0f9a38e6622f8d7c1e26"
        "value": {
            "67e5f959b6e3700559f1c448d63bed7c365d2d3f6536fd21708aaf51": {
                "54": 47999
            "882fcbd24592a24362ea55aea0c292afe75e80fd67928f7266f63229": {
                "43": 80
            "a1e642ef52eb824bf0d527bf0ab6c326256263baab3c8d59c9c2829a": {
                "58": 99700
            "ada": {
                "lovelace": 3385074
            "ec05a96b48af6a59d9b84856e066f837120e4687ef55d3cfa7af845e": {
                "41": 99700

Array of UTxOs as defined in @cardano-ogmios/schema.

Get ledger tip


GET /ledgerTip


Code: 200

Content Example

    "slot": 57091262,
    "id": "896db99c3843a1d8f55adcdb9818cecfe6d19d13cd724b5ebd1c5765b2521388"

Get reward account summary for stake key hash


GET /rewardAccountSummary/{stakeKeyHash}

  • {stakeKeyHash} - is the 28 byte staking credential as hexadecimal string

Success Response

Code: 200

Content Example

    "delegate": {
        "id": "pool13m26ky08vz205232k20u8ft5nrg8u68klhn0xfsk9m4gsqsc44v"
    "rewards": {
        "ada": {
            "lovelace": 131492083142
    "deposit": {
        "ada": {
            "lovelace": 2000000

Error Response

Code: 404

Content Example

    "msg": "Stake key not found, or the stake key is not registered"

Get list of used addresses for stake key hash


GET /addresses/{stakeKeyHash}

  • {stakeKeyHash} - is the 28 byte staking credential as hexadecimal string


Code: 200

Content Example


List of addresses in hexadecimal form

Get transaction by tx hash


GET /transaction/{txHash}

  • {txHash} - is the 32 byte transaction hash as hexadecimal string

Success Response

Code: 200

Content Eample

    "txHash": "0eaf8ec56a53b49579549833c6c761945ad5af8f3597a45a46b967c3074f930a",
    "slot": 56630505,
    "block": {
        "height": 2114733

Error Response

Code: 404

Content Example

    "msg": "Transaction not found"



GET /healthcheck


Code: 200

Content Eample

    "healthy": true,
    "healthyThresholdSlot": 10,
    "networkSlot": 56636031,
    "ledgerSlot": 56636031,
    "lastBlockSlot": 56636031,
    "uptime": 144.16159705
  • networkSlot - slot of the last block that the node it aware of.
  • ledgerSlot - slot of the last block that has been processed by the ledger
  • lastBlockSlot - slot of the last block that has been synced to the database


Configuring is done with env vars.

# Mode of operation - aggregator | server | both, default is both

# Port of the API server

# One of "silent" | "fatal" | "error" | "warn" | "info" | "debug" | "trace"


# Defines the connection to PostgreSQL, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME have no
# default values and must be set

DB Schema

Migrations are autorun on start of the aggregator mode. The current schema is shown here:

direction BT
class address {
   integer first_slot
   bytea address
class block {
   bytea hash
   integer slot
class transaction {
   integer slot
   bytea tx_hash

address  -->  block : first_slot - slot
transaction  -->  block : slot
See complete definition
create table if not exists block (
    slot integer not null primary key,
    hash bytea   not null

create table if not exists transaction
    tx_hash bytea   not null primary key,
    slot    integer not null
        constraint transaction_slot_block_slot_fk
            references block 
            on delete cascade

create index if not exists slot_idx on transaction (slot);

create table if not exists address
    address    bytea   not null primary key,
    first_slot integer not null
        constraint address_first_slot_block_slot_fk
            references block
            on delete cascade

create index if not exists payment_credential_idx on address (substr(address, 2, 28));

create index if not exists staking_credential_idx on address (substr(address, 30, 28));

create index if not exists first_slot_idx on .address (first_slot);


The project was created with bun. To install dependencies:

bun install

To start the backend with auto-reloading run:

bun dev


Linting is done with biome:

# To lint the code, also checks types with tsc
bun lint

# To fix auto-fixable issues from linting
bun fix

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Open-source light-weight backend for CAB, written in TypeScript using PostgreSQL for data storage





