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EXPERIMENTAL WingRiders serializer

Includes support for smart contract datum types for WingRiders. Uses @dcspark/cardano-multiplatform-lib as a serializer and for support for cardano-specific datum types. (it's a drop-in replacemenet for cardano-serialization-lib)


Install the package with:

npm install @wingriders/dex-serializer


import { LiquidityPoolDatum } from "@wingriders/dex-serializer";

const lpDatumHexString = await fetch(/* fetch the lp datum corresponding to an LP utxo */);
try {
  const lp = LiquidityPoolDatum.from_hex(lpDatumHex);

  // get the concatenated policyId and token name (subject) for the asset - can be looked up in explorers
  const assetBSubject = lp.assetB.to_subject();

  /* ... */
} catch (err) {
  // invalid lp datum

Known issues

  • serialization lib conflicting types between nodejs and browser versions (the es module is built for browers, the commonjs is built for nodejs)
  • Orders: only swap is supported for now


npm install
npm run build