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Chamber of knowledge Guide

palintech edited this page Nov 18, 2021 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the Chamber-of-knowledge wiki by Winjit!

What is Winjit?

Winjit is India’s leading provider of innovative engineering solutions. Founded in 2004 Winjit is a fast-growing provider of software consultancy, design, and development services, headquartered in India. Winjit Technologies has a proven track record of successful development and implementation of solutions on different technologies for a variety of customers. Winjit is a leading AI engineering tech company. Winjit offers plug and play AI products that integrate with existing systems quickly.

Winjit has gained its recognition as an engineering technology company and marked its presence in several other countries such as US, UK, Australia, South Africa, and Singapore. Since its inception, Winjit has built and expanded its expertise in latest trending technologies including Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Blockchain & Fintech, BFSI Product Engineering and other emerging technologies. Winjit provide end-to-end solutions from conceptualization and optimization to providing real-time solutions by developing software systems for any business

What is the Chamber-of-knowledge wiki?

It is a knowledge repository created and maintained by the Business Transformation Group at Winjit. The team comprises of Business consultants, Business Analysts, Novice to expert level developers and the experts for Winjit's Design studio

Why is the Chamber-of-knowledge wiki created?

This Chamber-of-knowledge wiki is created to build a structured and updated library of the teams cumulative knowledge at any point in time.

What is the vision?

The Vision is to enable curious minds to access this rich repository of discoverable knowledge on various topics leading to a systematic and quick update on innovations, trends and advancements in the topic of the readers choice.

How to update this wiki?

  • Step 1: Go to WinjitBTG's public repository- "Chamber-of-knowledge"
  • Step 2: Go to Wiki
  • Step 3: To create a new topic- go to "New Page" Add a topic in the header and update content in the section below and Save
  • Step 4: To update an existing topic- Click on the topic from "Pages" section and edit the page. Update and Save

What are the guidelines for updating this wiki?

  • Read, research and plan your content
  • Use headers "h1" "h2" "h3" to structure your content and present it in an organized way
  • Before you create a "New Page" on a topic, make sure there is no existing page for that topic
  • In case you are updating an existing page, ensure your content is unique and not already presented on the page
  • Writing guide:
    1. Start: Definition of the core topic. A description succinctly describing the key elements of the topic. Usually, a couple of sentences are sufficient
    2. An introductory paragraph at the beginning of the overview body. The introduction expands on the description and gives a basic explanation of the topic
    3. A well organized body structure with appropriate section headings
    4. Connect the various pieces of information presented, to enable readers to connect the dots and completely understand the subject. This can be done by emphasizing on a sequential step or chronological order of event or the next logical step with adequate explanation
    5. A suggestion would be start with a little bit of history, background, timeline structure so far and state any recent news/ trends on the subject
    6. Be creative! Create your own framework that best suits a given topic
    7. Please follow standard English Grammar rules. Use upper case and punctuations mindfully. Peer reviewing your work before submitting is recommended
    8. Avoid unstructured information, fragmented sentences, giving advice to readers or sharing your personal opinions, speaking on behalf of the organization, digressing from core topic, trivia and random information which is not value adding to the said topic
    9. Avoid directly copying text/ information to form a major part of the content. Please state source, citations, wherever applicable. Read from multiple sources, condense the information to fit it in the context of your framework for the purpose of building a knowledge repository here
    10. As you upgrade and update yourself, continue tending to the knowledge base created here by updating it simultaneously for the benefit of the community