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Anton edited this page Dec 29, 2013 · 15 revisions


$meta = Meta::instance();

Change instance configuration [Optional]:

$meta = Meta::instance($new_config_array);

###Work with tags

Meta object supports several ways for manipulations with contents:


$meta->set('content-language', substr(I18n::lang(), 0, 2));
// Sets a few:
$meta->set(array('author' => 'WinterSilence', 'description' => '...'));
$meta->description = 'description content';
$meta['description'] = 'description content';


$description = $meta->get('description');
// Gets all:
$all_tags = $meta->get();
$description = $meta->description;
$description = $meta['description'];


// Delete a few:
$meta->delete(array('author', 'description'));
// Delete all:

Check exist

if ($meta->get('description') !== NULL)
   echo $meta->get('description');
if ($meta->offsetExists('description'))
   echo $meta->offsetGet('description');
if (isset($meta['description'])) 
   echo $meta['description'];
if (isset($meta->description)) 
   echo $meta->description;

###Title as array

$meta->title = array('Shop name', 'Category #3');
array_push($meta->title, 'Product #12');
// result: array('Shop name', 'Category #3', 'Product #12');

###Display tags

Include meta view in your template View or use method [Meta::render].


Module includes 2 predefined templates: full.php and easy.php in MODPATH/meta/views/meta/. You can create custom versions based on standard views (they contains detailed comments).


Method Meta::render

Renders the [View] to string with HTML code of tags; Default view stored in config option template.

// Render default view:
echo $meta->render();
// Render custom view:
echo $meta->render('path/to/custom');

Supported 'magical' method Meta::__toString, uses render method for convert to string.

//  Render default view:
echo Meta::instance();

Method Meta::load_from_config

$meta->load_from_config(array('theme.meta_tags', 'blog.meta'));

To automatically loading tag info from multiple configurations or groups, change tags_config_groups in module configuration. By default, loads tags from congif group meta.tags.

Method Meta::title

$title = $meta->title();
// Sets as string:
$meta->title('My site - articles - latest'); 
// Sets as array:
$meta->title(array('My site', 'articles', 'latest')); 

Function get_meta_tags

Extracts from the document contents of all meta tags and returns associative array.

// Assuming the above tags are at
$tags = get_meta_tags('');
// Notice how the keys are all lowercase now, and how . was replaced by _ in the key.
echo $tags['author'];       // name
echo $tags['keywords'];     // php documentation
echo $tags['description'];  // a php manual
echo $tags['geo_position']; // 49.33;-86.59
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