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Wiser Riser

🧪 An open-source web3-based social media component set for scaling up moderator effort on sites with a lot of user-generated content. This could be used in social media settings (similar to Reddit), in screening processes for quadratic funding community support rounds (like a blend of Giveth and Gitcoin), and co-learning/review communities (e.g. around photography, writing, or much more).

⚙️ This was built using Scaffold-ETH 2 at ETHGlobal Waterloo 2023.

  • Home Page
Screenshot 2023-06-25 at 4 01 33 AM
  • Onboarding users with WorldCoinID / Polygon ID
Screenshot 2023-06-25 at 4 03 14 AM
  • Login via WorldcoinId
Screenshot 2023-06-25 at 4 03 39 AM

Add Community and mod members Screenshot 2023-06-25 at 4 04 25 AM

How To Run

Before you begin, you need to install the following tools:

In this directory, then run yarn install.

Then open three terminal windows in this directory.

In one, run yarn chain as a test blockchain. In the second browser window, run yarn start and then visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser. In the third, run yarn deploy to deploy the test contracts. If you want to deploy to a different network, use yarn deploy --network target_network. You may also wish to change the "targetNetwork" value in scaffold.config.ts. To deploy elsewhere, you may need the environment variables ALCHEMY_API_KEY and DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY set by renaming .env.example to .env and filling in required keys. yarn generate can get you a new random account and add the private key to that .env file.

You can do Etherscan verification with yarn verify --network network_name and you can deploy a frontend to vercel without type/lint checking by using yarn vercel:yolo & set NEXT_PUBLIC_IGNORE_BUILD_ERROR to true in a environment variable.

For additional details, see the scaffold-eth documentation as of the time it was forked or now.


ETHGlobal Waterloo 2023 Submission







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