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API Documentation

Jonathan Goh edited this page Aug 13, 2016 · 3 revisions

API Documentation

Welcome to the Misato API wiki page!

Work In Progress, please refer to the stability badge

Badge Description
this specs is working in progress, or feature that are nice to have, and we are not implement it yet !
this spec is pending, waiting to be merged in our codebase
this spec is stable, basically will not change

Post to Facebook

Post message to Facebook /api/v1/post-message

The message theme is predefined and will be rendered in backend, and post to facebook in certain time interval.

  "message": "今天大好天气我竟然要在家补文档!",
  "message-theme": "Swagness"

If success, it will return:

  "success": true,
  "id": "post id",

Reply message to specified post /api/v1/reply-message/:postid

Reply message using the predefined role.

  "reply-message": "我说啊,你比我还好多了。",
  "using-role": "学霸"

If success, it will return:

  "success": true,
  "facebook_post": "facebook_post_id_link"