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Using Mods: Installing BepInEx

TheTimeSweeper edited this page Sep 6, 2023 · 5 revisions


The best way to install BepInEx and all your mods is to use R2modman or Thunderstore Mod Manager
Download R2modman here, click the Manual Download button and you're good to go.

If you for some reason need to install BepInEx manually, here's how, but again, it's recommended you use a mod manager.

BepInEx is a Mod Loader for Unity Games

It's what makes modding possible

Manual Installation:

  1. Download here:
  2. Double-click or extract the zip, and open the BepInExPack_of_Legend folder. You'll see these 3 items:
    Keep this window open
  3. Navigate to the Wizard of Legend game files
    1. Find Wizard of Legend in your steam library
    2. Right click > properties > Installed Files > Browse...
    3. The Wizard of Legend game files should open up
  4. To install bepin, drag the 3 items from the .zip into the Wizard of Legend folder
  5. Run the game. If all is well, a BepInEx console should pop up.
    It'll look something like this, depending on the mods installed:

Now, bepin is installed. But for most mods to work, you'll also need HookGenPatcher


Most mods you see will rely on it.

In short, HookGenPatcher generates a file that mod developers use to make modding easier and more powerful.

  1. Download here:
  2. Double-click or extract the zip, and in the patchers folder you'll see these files:
  3. Now that you've just installed BepInEx, navigate to BepInEx\patchers
  4. Drag the HookGenPatcher files into this folder
    (note: it is important that you install this mod into the patchers folder. This is different from how most other mods are installed. They will usually go into the plugins folder)

You're ready to start modding!

Installing Mods

  • Head on over to and download any mods you like.
  • For the most part, installing mods will be as simple as downloading them, grabbing a .dll file and putting it in the plugins folder.
  • Once you've done this, simply run the game.


My mod(s) isn't working!

  • Some mods have dependencies on other mods.
    • On thunderstore, you'll see a section titled This mod requires the following mods to function.
    • Make sure those are installed before you install your mod.
  • Some mods will come bundled with additional files. For these mods, it is recommended to create sub-folders in your plugins folder to keep these files in one place.

If you have questions or this guide is insufficient, head over to the #modding-extravaganza channel in the Wizard of Legend Discord.

Happy Modding!