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This framework allows to handle multiple PDO connections and to send queries with prepared statements and named parameters.


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This framework allows to handle multiple PDO connections and to send queries with prepared statements and named parameters.

Wolfgang Drescher


  • Prepared statements
  • Named parameters
  • Echoing the query object will display a table with results
  • Method chaining e.g. $id = Query::init($insertSql)->send()->insertId();
  • Execute statements instantly with Query::exec()
  • Nicely designed error messages with Bootstrap


  • A server running at least PHP version 5.3.
  • Result dumps and error messages are formated with Bootstrap.


This framework is standing under MIT licence. Feel free to use it, but please place a reference to my name or website.


Include the Bootstrap stylesheet to your websites header. Either use the following Bootstrap CDN link, or download it directly from their server.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">

Include in your config PHP file either DBi.php or Query.php. You can make the following configurations:

// your config.php
require_once 'DBi.php';
DBi::$autoSelect = false; // (default: true) disable auto selecting a connection with `DBi::add()`
Query::$throwExceptions = false; // (default: true) disable error messages
Query::$autoSend = true; // (default: false) enable automatically sending queries when a new query object is created

I recommend the setting Query::$throwExceptions to false in a productive environment.


Connect to a database with DBi::connect(). This method returns an object which represents the PDO connection to a SQL server.

$handle = DBi::connect('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=cms;', 'root', 'root');

You can add a connection to the DBi class with DBi::add(). If the variable DBi::$autoSelect is set to true (default) DBi::add() will automatically set the passed connection as the currently used connection.

DBi::add(DBi::connect($dsn, $user, $password));

Multiple connections at the same time are possible. Set the current connection with DBi::set($key) and use the same key as second argument in DBi::add().

DBi::$autoSelect = false;
DBi::add(DBi::connect($dsn, $user, $password), 'live');
DBi::add(DBi::connect($dsn, $user, $password), 'debug');
// do some stuff in the live database
// do some other stuff in the debug database

You can get a connection with DBi::get(). This function will not set the current connection.

DBi::get(); // returns the current connection
DBi::get('live'); // returns a specific connection


Use SQL strings like these examples:

$sqlNamedParams = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE email = :email LIMIT :limit";
$sqlParams = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE email = ? LIMIT ?";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE email = '".DBi::e($email)."' LIMIT ".intval($limit);
$insertSql = "INSERT INTO user SET email = :email";

However I recommend always using prepared statements like $sqlNamedParams and $sqlParams. But if you know what you are doing use DBi::escape($str[, $connection]) or its shortcut DBi::e() to escape a sql string. You can also write your own function for escaping:

function e() {
	return call_user_func_array('DBi::escape', func_get_args());

Use ->prepare() to set the SQL string. Bind named parameters as array with ->bindParams(). This method will autodetect the type of the passed parameters (string, int, float). Execute a statement with ->send(). The colons in front of the named parameters in ->bindParams() are optional but they are required in the SQL string.

$stmt = new Query();
	':limit' => 1,
	'email' => $email // colon automatically added by the class

Display the result of a query as table by echoing the query object.

echo $stmt;

Set the connection for a single statement with ->setConnection(). Remember to always set the connection at the very beginning directly after creating the Query class object.


Use the second argument of ->prepare() to bind named parameters directly to it.

$stmt->prepare($sqlNamedParams, array(
	'limit' => 1,
	':email' => $email

The SQL string can also be passed as first argument of new Query($sql). Bind parameters to an unnamed SQL string (params will replace the ?) as comma seperated arguments of ->bindParams(). This method will autodetect the type of bound parameters.

$stmt = new Query($sqlParams);
$stmt->bindParams($email, 1);

Bind a single parameter with ->bindParam(). The first argument is the key of the named parameter in the SQL string, the second is the value, and the optional third will set the type (Query::ParamStr, Query::ParamInt, Query::ParamFloat and Query::ParamLOB). If the third parameter is not set the method will autodetect the value's type.

$stmt->bindParam('email', $email, Query::ParamStr);
$stmt->bindParam(':limit', 1); // autodetects type Query::ParamInt
// $fp = fopen($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], 'rb');
// $stmt->bindParam(':file', $fp, Query::ParamLOB);

Named parameters can also be bound as an array argument of ->send().

	':limit' => 1,
	':email' => $email

Query methods can be chained. You can also chain a query in one single line with Query::init().

$stmt = new Query();
$stmt->prepare($sqlParams)->bindParams($email, 1)->send();

echo $id = Query::init($insertSql, array('email' => $email))->send()->insertId();

Execute statements instantly with Query::exec(). This method will always send a statement directly without considering the value of Query::$autoSend.

echo $rows = Query::exec("SELECT * FROM user")->rows();

If you know what you are doing make a statement without parameters or the PDO prepare method. Remember to escape the variables with DBi::e().

$stmt = new Query();

Set the static variable Query::$autoSend to true if you want to execute a statement automatically with new Query() or Query::init().

Query::$autoSend = true;
$stmt = new Query($sqlNamedParams, array('limit' => 1, 'email' => $email));
$stmt = Query::init($sqlParams, array($email, 1));

Get the duration of a statement with ->getDuration() (in milliseconds). You can set the number of decimal points as an argument.

echo $stmt->getDuration(5); // echo's milliseconds

Set the result pointer of the result stack with ->seek($index).

Fetch a result row with ->fetch($mode). The default fetching method will be ->fetchObject(). ->fetchAssoc() will return an associative array of the current result row.

$stmt = new Query($sqlNamedParams, array('email' => $email, 'limit' => 1));
if($stmt->rows()) {
	while($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
		echo '<pre>'.print_r($row, true).'</pre>';

->fetchNum() will return a result row as an enumerated array.

->fetchObject() will return the current row of the result set as an object (default object is stdClass).

class User { /*...*/ }
while($row = $stmt->fetchObject('User', array($arg1, $arg2))) {
	echo '<pre>'.print_r($row, true).'</pre>';

The method ->fetchAll() will return an array with the complete result.

Get the whole result as a JSON string with ->getJSON().

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This framework allows to handle multiple PDO connections and to send queries with prepared statements and named parameters.







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