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Wolfram Research, Inc.


  1. WolframLanguageForJupyter WolframLanguageForJupyter Public

    Wolfram Language kernel for Jupyter notebooks

    Mathematica 978 118

  2. WolframClientForPython WolframClientForPython Public

    Call Wolfram Language functions from Python

    Python 426 45

  3. GitLink GitLink Public

    Git integration for the Wolfram Language

    C++ 112 19

  4. WAS-Kubernetes WAS-Kubernetes Public

    Shell 20 3

  5. Chatbook Chatbook Public

    Wolfram Notebooks + LLMs

    Mathematica 69 8

  6. PacletCICD PacletCICD Public

    Continuous integration and deployment for Wolfram Language Paclets

    Mathematica 12 2


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