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* Added three additional columns for moveset ratings including IV of a particular pokemon
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607ch00 committed Aug 16, 2016
1 parent f910f60 commit 5737839
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Showing 2 changed files with 135 additions and 56 deletions.
145 changes: 97 additions & 48 deletions src/me/corriekay/pokegoutil/utils/pokemon/
Expand Up @@ -9,9 +9,51 @@
public final class PokemonUtils {
private PokemonUtils() { /* Prevent initializing this class */ }

public static final long DUEL_ABILITY_MAX = 21_858_183_256L;
public static final long GYM_OFFENSE_MAX = 510_419L;
public static final long GYM_DEFENSE_MAX = 9_530_079_725L;
* Maximum duel ability - moveset only
* Currently Mewtwo Pyscho Cut & Hyperbeam
public static final long DUEL_ABILITY_MAX = 21_602_780_920L;

* Maximum duel ability - moveset & Max IV
* Currently Mewtwo Pyscho Cut & Hyperbeam
public static final long DUEL_ABILITY_IV_MAX = 26_161_393_326L;

* Maximum gym offense - moveset only
* Currently Mewtwo Psycho Cut & Hyperbeam
public static final long GYM_OFFENSE_MAX = 504_455L;

* Maximum gym offense - moveset & Max IV
* Currently Mewtwo Pyscho Cut & Hyperbeam
public static final long GYM_OFFENSE_IV_MAX = 531_099L;

* Maximum gym defense - moveset only
* Currently Mewtwo Confusion & Psychic
public static final long GYM_DEFENSE_MAX = 10_033_663_200L;

* Maximum gym defense - moveset & Max IV
* Currently Mewtwo Confusion & Psychic
public static final long GYM_DEFENSE_IV_MAX = 12_150_963_825L;

* Damage bonus from a critical hit - currently no damage bonus in game, change when game is fixed
public static final double CRIT_DAMAGE_BONUS = 0;

* Time in ms for a powermove to be performed
public static final int MOVE2_CHARGE_DELAY_MS = 500;

public static String convertTeamColorToName(int teamValue) {
Team[] teams = Team.values();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,39 +106,48 @@ private static double dpsForMove(Pokemon p, PokemonMove move, boolean primary) {
* as then you can only attack for as long as you can stay positive on HP.
* @param p A Pokemon object
* @param useIV Use a pokemon's IV values in the calculations
* @return Rating of a Pokemon's overall attacking power considering damage, health & defense
* @see
* @see i607ch00
public static long duelAbility(Pokemon p) {
return PokemonUtils.gymOffense(p) * PokemonUtils.tankiness(p);
public static long duelAbility(Pokemon p, boolean useIV) {
double duelAbility = PokemonUtils.gymOffense(p, useIV) * PokemonUtils.tankiness(p, useIV);
return Math.round(duelAbility);

* Gym Offense takes the better of No Weave/Weave Damage over 100s and multiplies by the
* Pokemon's base attack to arrive at a ranking of raw damage output.
* @param p A Pokemon object
* @param useIV Use a pokemon's IV values in the calculations
* @return Rating of a Pokemon's pure offensive ability over time considering move set
* @see
* @see i607ch00
public static long gymOffense(Pokemon p) {
double gymOffense = Math.max(PokemonUtils.dpsForMove(p, true) * 100, PokemonUtils.weaveDPS(p, 0)) * (p.getMeta().getBaseAttack() + p.getIndividualAttack());
return Math.round(gymOffense);
public static double gymOffense(Pokemon p, boolean useIV) {

int attackIV = (useIV) ? p.getIndividualAttack() : 0;

return Math.max(PokemonUtils.dpsForMove(p, true) * 100, PokemonUtils.weaveDPS(p, 0)) * (p.getMeta().getBaseAttack() + attackIV);

* Gym Defense takes the calculated Gym Weave Damage over 100s and multiplies by Tankiness
* to arrive at a ranking of how much damage a Pokemon will output when defending a gym.
* @param p A Pokemon object
* @param useIV Use a pokemon's IV values in the calculations
* @return Rating of a Pokemon's AI controlled gym defense over time considering move set
* @see
* @see i607ch00
public static long gymDefense(Pokemon p) {
double gymDefense = PokemonUtils.weaveDPS(p, 2000) * (p.getMeta().getBaseAttack() + p.getIndividualAttack()) * PokemonUtils.tankiness(p);
public static long gymDefense(Pokemon p, boolean useIV) {

int attackIV = (useIV) ? p.getIndividualAttack() : 0;

double gymDefense = PokemonUtils.weaveDPS(p, 2000) * (p.getMeta().getBaseAttack() + attackIV) * PokemonUtils.tankiness(p, useIV);
return Math.round(gymDefense);

Expand All @@ -107,12 +158,17 @@ public static long gymDefense(Pokemon p) {
* Used for duel ability & gym defense calculations
* @param p A Pokemon object
* @param useIV Use a pokemon's IV values in the calculations
* @return Rating of a Pokemon's tankiness :)
* @see
* @see i607ch00
public static long tankiness(Pokemon p) {
return (p.getMeta().getBaseStamina() + p.getIndividualStamina()) * (p.getMeta().getBaseDefense() + p.getIndividualDefense());
public static long tankiness(Pokemon p, boolean useIV) {

int staminaIV = (useIV) ? p.getIndividualStamina() : 0;
int defenseIV = (useIV) ? p.getIndividualDefense() : 0;

return (p.getMeta().getBaseStamina() + staminaIV) * (p.getMeta().getBaseDefense() + defenseIV);

Expand All @@ -128,55 +184,48 @@ public static long tankiness(Pokemon p) {
* @see i607ch00
public static double weaveDPS(Pokemon p, Integer additionalDelay) {
double critDamageBonus = 0.5;
int chargeDelayMS = 500;

PokemonMoveMeta pm1 = PokemonMoveMetaRegistry.getMeta(p.getMove1());
PokemonMoveMeta pm2 = PokemonMoveMetaRegistry.getMeta(p.getMove2());
double moveOneStab = (p.getMeta().getType1().equals(pm1.getType()) || p.getMeta().getType2().equals(pm1.getType())) ? 1.25 : 1;
double moveTwoStab = (p.getMeta().getType1().equals(pm2.getType()) || p.getMeta().getType2().equals(pm2.getType())) ? 1.25 : 1;

// *(R621*(1+S621*0.25))
// +X621*(1+Y621*0.25)*(1+($AJ$1*Z621/100))
//AB = Move 2 Energy
//U = Move 1 Energy
//Translation reference
//R = Move 1 Power
//S = Move 1 Stab
//T = Move 1 Speed
//U = Move 1 Energy
//X = Move 2 Power
//Y = Move 2 Stab
//AJ = Crit Damage Bonus
//Z = Move 2 Crit Chance
double weaveCycleDmg = Math.ceil(Math.abs(pm2.getEnergy()) / pm1.getEnergy())
* (pm1.getPower() * moveOneStab)
+ pm2.getPower() * moveTwoStab * (1 + (critDamageBonus * pm2.getCritChance()));

// *T621
// +(AA621+$AL$1)
//AB = Move 2 Energy
//U = Move 1 Energy
//T = Move 1 Speed
//AA = Move 2 Speed
//AL1 = Charge Delay
double weaveCycleLength = Math.ceil(Math.abs(pm2.getEnergy()) / pm1.getEnergy())
* (pm1.getTime() + additionalDelay)
+ (pm2.getTime() + chargeDelayMS);

// + (R621*(1+(S621*0.25)))
// * FLOOR(MOD(100000,AD621)/T621)
//AB = Move 2 Energy
//AC = Weave Cycle Damage
//AD = Weave Cycle Length (ms)
//R = Move 1 Power
//S = Move 1 Stab
//AD = Weave Cycle Length (ms)
//T = Move 1 Speed
double weaveDPS = weaveCycleDmg * Math.floor(100000 / weaveCycleLength)
+ (pm1.getPower() * moveOneStab)
* Math.floor((100000 % weaveCycleLength) / (pm1.getTime() + additionalDelay));
//AD = Average Weave Cycle Length (ms)
//AF = Average Gym Weave Cycle Length (ms)
//AJ1 = Crit Damage Bonus
//AL1 = Charge Delay

double weaveEnergyUsageRatio = (Math.abs(pm2.getEnergy()) == 100) ? Math.ceil((double) Math.abs(pm2.getEnergy()) / (double) pm1.getEnergy()) : (double) Math.abs(pm2.getEnergy()) / (double) pm1.getEnergy();

double weaveCycleLength = weaveEnergyUsageRatio * (pm1.getTime() + additionalDelay) + (pm2.getTime() + PokemonUtils.MOVE2_CHARGE_DELAY_MS);

//*(X2*(1+Y2*0.25) * (1+($AJ$1*Z2/100)))
double weaveDPS = Math.floor(100000 / weaveCycleLength)
* (pm2.getPower() * moveTwoStab * (1 + (PokemonUtils.CRIT_DAMAGE_BONUS * pm2.getCritChance())))
+ Math.ceil(Math.floor(100000 / weaveCycleLength) * weaveEnergyUsageRatio)
* (pm1.getPower() * moveOneStab)
+ Math.floor((100000 - (Math.floor(100000 / weaveCycleLength) * (pm2.getTime() + PokemonUtils.MOVE2_CHARGE_DELAY_MS) + Math.ceil(Math.floor(100000 / weaveCycleLength) * weaveEnergyUsageRatio) * (pm1.getTime() + additionalDelay))) / (pm1.getTime() + additionalDelay))
* (pm1.getPower() * moveOneStab);

return weaveDPS;
Expand Down
46 changes: 38 additions & 8 deletions src/me/corriekay/pokegoutil/windows/
Expand Up @@ -656,6 +656,12 @@ private void refreshList() {
gymAttackCol.setCellRenderer(new MoveSetRankingRenderer(PokemonUtils.GYM_OFFENSE_MAX));
TableColumn gymDefenseCol =;
gymDefenseCol.setCellRenderer(new MoveSetRankingRenderer(PokemonUtils.GYM_DEFENSE_MAX));
TableColumn duelAbilityIVCol =;
duelAbilityIVCol.setCellRenderer(new MoveSetRankingRenderer(PokemonUtils.DUEL_ABILITY_IV_MAX));
TableColumn gymAttackIVCol =;
gymAttackIVCol.setCellRenderer(new MoveSetRankingRenderer(PokemonUtils.GYM_OFFENSE_IV_MAX));
TableColumn gymDefenseIVCol =;
gymDefenseIVCol.setCellRenderer(new MoveSetRankingRenderer(PokemonUtils.GYM_DEFENSE_IV_MAX));
} catch (Exception e) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -722,10 +728,13 @@ private static class PokemonTable extends JTable {
* 22 String(Date) - Caught at
* 23 Boolean - Favorite
* 24 Long - duelAbility
* 25 Integer - gymOffense
* 26 Integer - gymDefense
* 25 Double - gymOffense
* 26 Long - gymDefense
* 27 Double - Move 1 Rating
* 28 Double - Move 2 Rating
* 29 Long - duelAbility IV
* 30 Double - gymOffense IV
* 31 Long - gymDefense IV
ConfigNew config = ConfigNew.getConfig();

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -781,10 +790,13 @@ private void constructNewTableModel(PokemonGo go, List<Pokemon> pokes) {
trs.setComparator(20, c);
trs.setComparator(22, cDate);
trs.setComparator(24, cLong);
trs.setComparator(25, cLong);
trs.setComparator(25, cDouble);
trs.setComparator(26, cLong);
trs.setComparator(27, cDouble);
trs.setComparator(28, cDouble);
trs.setComparator(29, cLong);
trs.setComparator(30, cDouble);
trs.setComparator(31, cLong);
List<SortKey> sortKeys = new ArrayList<>();
sortKeys.add(new SortKey(sortColIndex1, sortOrder1));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -850,10 +862,13 @@ private static class PokemonTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {
caughtCol = new ArrayList<>(),//22
favCol = new ArrayList<>();//23
private final ArrayList<Long> duelAbilityCol = new ArrayList<>();//24
private final ArrayList<Long> gymOffenseCol = new ArrayList<>();//25
private final ArrayList<Double> gymOffenseCol = new ArrayList<>();//25
private final ArrayList<Long> gymDefenseCol = new ArrayList<>();//26
private final ArrayList<Double> move1RatingCol = new ArrayList<>(),//27
move2RatingCol = new ArrayList<>();//28
private final ArrayList<Long> duelAbilityIVCol = new ArrayList<>();//29
private final ArrayList<Double> gymOffenseIVCol = new ArrayList<>();//30
private final ArrayList<Long> gymDefenseIVCol = new ArrayList<>();//31

private PokemonTableModel(PokemonGo go, List<Pokemon> pokes, PokemonTable pt) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -955,9 +970,12 @@ private PokemonTableModel(PokemonGo go, List<Pokemon> pokes, PokemonTable pt) {
pokeballCol.add(i.getValue(), WordUtils.capitalize(p.getPokeball().toString().toLowerCase().replaceAll("item_", "").replaceAll("_", " ")));
caughtCol.add(i.getValue(), DateHelper.toString(DateHelper.fromTimestamp(p.getCreationTimeMs())));
favCol.add(i.getValue(), (p.isFavorite()) ? "True" : "");
duelAbilityCol.add(i.getValue(), PokemonUtils.duelAbility(p));
gymOffenseCol.add(i.getValue(), PokemonUtils.gymOffense(p));
gymDefenseCol.add(i.getValue(), PokemonUtils.gymDefense(p));
duelAbilityCol.add(i.getValue(), PokemonUtils.duelAbility(p, false));
gymOffenseCol.add(i.getValue(), PokemonUtils.gymOffense(p, false));
gymDefenseCol.add(i.getValue(), PokemonUtils.gymDefense(p, false));
duelAbilityIVCol.add(i.getValue(), PokemonUtils.duelAbility(p, true));
gymOffenseIVCol.add(i.getValue(), PokemonUtils.gymOffense(p, true));
gymDefenseIVCol.add(i.getValue(), PokemonUtils.gymDefense(p, true));
move1RatingCol.add(i.getValue(), PokemonUtils.moveRating(p, true));
move2RatingCol.add(i.getValue(), PokemonUtils.moveRating(p, false));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1034,14 +1052,20 @@ public String getColumnName(int columnIndex) {
return "Move 1 Rating";
case 28:
return "Move 2 Rating";
case 29:
return "Duel Ability IV";
case 30:
return "Gym Offense IV";
case 31:
return "Gym Defense IV";
return "UNKNOWN?";

public int getColumnCount() {
return 29;
return 32;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1110,6 +1134,12 @@ public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
return move1RatingCol.get(rowIndex);
case 28:
return move2RatingCol.get(rowIndex);
case 29:
return duelAbilityIVCol.get(rowIndex);
case 30:
return gymOffenseIVCol.get(rowIndex);
case 31:
return gymDefenseIVCol.get(rowIndex);
return null;
Expand Down

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