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Using your own DeviceInfo to connect to API

Fernando Teixeira Barros edited this page Mar 13, 2017 · 15 revisions

#Introduction When connecting to the Pokemon Go servers, the PogoBot API uses a default DeviceInfo to make all the requests using your account. So, it's easy for Niantic to know all the players that are using a third-party software to connect to Pokemon Go, what according to ToS is illegal and passive of ban. What we made now is offer an option to you configure the DeviceInfo of your own cellphone, in order to mask the requests, and reducing, even more, a chance of a ban.
This functionality is available after release version 0.1.3!

#So how to obtain the DeviceInfo of my phone? In order to get the proper info about your phone, you have to use some apps to help do this. ##Android For Android we gonna need 2 apps:

Below, ALL CAPS is the word to look for in the apps, and in the brackets is where to put your info in the config.json. (i.e. BOARD (android.boardName) means find 'BOARD' in the app, and copy the information show there into android -> boardName):

  • BOARD (android.boardName)
  • BOOTLOADER (android.bootloader)
  • BRAND (firmware.brand)
  • FINGERPRINT (firmware.fingerprint)
  • HARDWARE (hardware.model)
  • MANUFACTURER (hardware.manufacturer)
  • MODEL (device.model)
  • PRODUCT (device.modelIdentifier)
  • TAGS (firmware.tags)
  • TYPE (firmware.type)
  • DEVICE (device.brand)
    Build Info Example

And in the second app:

  • Android ID (
    Android ID

Apparently, "device.modelBoot" is always "qcom" for Android phones. If someone knows something different, please issue.

##iOS For iOS you can get this info in Settings -> General -> About/Info and with the contribution of the users @pat15312 and @Addict, there are two apps to help this:

  • Lirium Device Info Lite - System Monitor
  • SystemDevice

The Device ID, or UDID as it is called, can be found on the summary screen of your phone on iTunes. Open iTunes, go to the summary screen of your phone and click on the "Serial Number" label, it will then show your UDID or Device ID. repeated clicking rolls through the various ID's, right-click to copy such as ECID and the Model Identifier.
Once on iOS, this info can be a little trick to obtain, here follows the default DeviceInfo used by PogoAPI, that is based on iOS (Warning: this default DeviceInfo may change from version to version of PogoAPI):

"custom": {
    "android": {
        "bootloader": "",
        "boardName": ""
    "device": {
        "modelIdentifier": "",
        "modelBoot": "iPhone5,3",
        "model": "iPhone",
        "id": "8989eff7a137254d3d1d1e9d7fb83905",
        "brand": "Apple"
    "firmware": {
        "fingerprint": "",
        "type": "8.1.2",
        "brand": "iPhone OS",
        "tags": ""
    "hardware": {
        "model": "N48AP",
        "manufacturer": "Apple"

#Configure After you have all the information in hands, go to file "config.json" e fill them in the deviceInfo group and make sure that deviceInfo.useCustom is set to "true". Here follows the skeleton of the deviceInfo tag:

"deviceInfo": {
    "useCustom": true,
    "custom": {
        "android": {
            "bootloader": "",
            "boardName": ""
        "device": {
            "modelIdentifier": "",
            "modelBoot": "",
            "model": "",
            "id": "",
            "brand": ""
        "firmware": {
            "fingerprint": "",
            "type": "",
            "brand": "",
            "tags": ""
        "hardware": {
            "model": "",
            "manufacturer": ""
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