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Wolfteam committed May 31, 2021
1 parent 44b1c06 commit a3598c6
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Showing 2 changed files with 54 additions and 54 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions lib/l10n/intl_it_IT.arb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -301,8 +301,8 @@
"notifications": "Notifiche",
"startByCreatingANotification": "Nessuna notifica trovata. Inizia creandone una!",
"notificationType": "Tipo di notifica",
"addNotification": "Crea una notifica",
"editNotification": "Modifica la notifica",
"addNotification": "Crea",
"editNotification": "Modifica",
"xHours": "{value} ora(e)",
"inXHours": "In {value} ora(e)",
"xEachHour": "{value} ogni ora",
Expand All @@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
"realmRank": "Realm Rank",
"trustRank": "Trust Rank",
"title": "Titolo",
"body": "Oggetto",
"body": "Corpo",
"twentyFivePercentTimeReduction": "Bonus Riduzione Tempo del 25%",
"invalidDate": "Data non valida!",
"reset": "Resetta",
Expand All @@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
"notifInfoMsgA": "Puoi programmare notifiche che ti ricordino (di fare) determinate cose nel gioco.",
"notifInfoMsgB": "Alcune notifiche si possono personalizzare in base alle proprie esigenze.",
"notifInfoMsgC": "La campanellina indica che la notifica è programmata per apparire nel tuo dispositivo anche quando l’app non è in esecuzione.",
"notifInfoMsgD": "Some notifications allows you to change the showed image on the list",
"notifInfoMsgE": "Some Android OEMs have their own customized Android OS that can prevent applications from running in the background.\nConsequently, scheduled notifications may not work when the application is in the background on certain devices (e.g. by Xiaomi, Huawei).\nSo if you encounter this problem, you may have to look for a setting that allows you to control which applications run in the background.",
"notifInfoMsgD": "Alcune notifiche permettono di cambiare immagine di anteprima nella lista",
"notifInfoMsgE": "Alcuni Android OEMs (dispositivi) hanno un Sistema Operativo Android che impedisce di eseguire l’applicazione in background.\nDi conseguenza, alcune notifiche programmate potrebbero non funzionare su alcuni dispositivi (es. Xiaomi, Huawei) quando l’applicazione è in funzione in background.\nSe riscontri questo problema, dovresti cercare l’impostazione che regola la gestione delle applicazioni in background.",
"swipeToSeeMoreOptions": "Scorri a destra o a sinistra per visualizzare più opzioni per ciascun item."
98 changes: 49 additions & 49 deletions lib/l10n/intl_zh_CN.arb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"simplifiedChinese": "中文(简体)",
"portuguese": "葡萄牙语",
"italian": "意大利语",
"japanese": "Japanese",
"japanese": "日语",
"bow": "弓",
"claymore": "双手剑",
"sword": "单手剑",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,53 +296,53 @@
"usedItem": "已使用的物品",
"itemIsBeingUsedOnACalculation": "该物品已在一个或多个组别中使用。\n已使用数量:{quantity}",
"useOfficialMap": "使用官方地图",
"dailyCheckIn": "【原神】每日签到",
"dailyCheckIn": "「原神」每日签到",
"dailyCheckInMsg": "别忘了来这里看看你的每日奖励!",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"startByCreatingANotification": "Start by creating a notification",
"notificationType": "Notification Type",
"addNotification": "Add Notification",
"editNotification": "Edit Notification",
"xHours": "{value} hours",
"inXHours": "In {value} hours",
"xEachHour": "{value} each hour",
"showNotification": "Show notification",
"expedition": "Expedition",
"expeditionTime": "Expedition Time",
"time": "Time",
"resin": "Resin",
"farming": "Farming",
"gadget": "Gadget",
"furnishing": "Furnishing",
"realmCurrency": "Realm Currency",
"realmRank": "Realm Rank",
"trustRank": "Trust Rank",
"title": "Title",
"body": "Body",
"twentyFivePercentTimeReduction": "25% Time Reduction",
"invalidDate": "Invalid date",
"reset": "Reset",
"stop": "Stop",
"completed": "Completed",
"selectAnArtifact": "Select an artifact",
"selectAMonster": "Select a monster",
"selectAMaterial": "Select a material",
"custom": "Custom",
"createYourCustomNotifications": "Create your custom notifications",
"bareBones": "Bare Bones",
"humbleAbode": "Humble Abode",
"cozy": "Cozy",
"queenSize": "Queen Size",
"elegant": "Elegant",
"exquisite": "Exquisite",
"extraordinary": "Extraordinary",
"stately": "Stately",
"luxury": "Luxury",
"fitForAKing": "Fit For A King",
"notifInfoMsgA": "You can schedule notifications that reminds you particular things in the game.",
"notifInfoMsgB": "Some of these can be customized to suit your needs.",
"notifInfoMsgC": "The bell icon indicates that a notification is scheduled to be shown on your device even when the app is not running.",
"notifInfoMsgD": "Some notifications allows you to change the showed image on the list",
"notifInfoMsgE": "Some Android OEMs have their own customized Android OS that can prevent applications from running in the background.\nConsequently, scheduled notifications may not work when the application is in the background on certain devices (e.g. by Xiaomi, Huawei).\nSo if you encounter this problem, you may have to look for a setting that allows you to control which applications run in the background.",
"swipeToSeeMoreOptions": "You can swipe to the right or left to see more options on each item."
"notifications": "通知",
"startByCreatingANotification": "创建一个通知以继续",
"notificationType": "通知类别",
"addNotification": "添加通知",
"editNotification": "编辑通知",
"xHours": "{value}小时",
"inXHours": "{value}小时内",
"xEachHour": "{value}每小时",
"showNotification": "显示通知",
"expedition": "派遣",
"expeditionTime": "派遣时长",
"time": "时间",
"resin": "树脂",
"farming": "野外",
"gadget": "小道具",
"furnishing": "家园建造",
"realmCurrency": "洞天宝钱",
"realmRank": "洞天仙力等阶",
"trustRank": "信任等阶",
"title": "标题",
"body": "内容",
"twentyFivePercentTimeReduction": "减少25%时间",
"invalidDate": "无效时间",
"reset": "重设",
"stop": "停止",
"completed": "完成",
"selectAnArtifact": "选择圣遗物",
"selectAMonster": "选择怪物",
"selectAMaterial": "选择材料",
"custom": "自定义",
"createYourCustomNotifications": "创建自定义通知",
"bareBones": "初有陋室",
"humbleAbode": "竹篱茅舍",
"cozy": "屋舍俨然",
"queenSize": "高门大屋",
"elegant": "初显锦绣",
"exquisite": "美轮美奂",
"extraordinary": "富丽堂皇",
"stately": "丹楹刻桷",
"luxury": "广夏细旃",
"fitForAKing": "贝阙珠宫",
"notifInfoMsgA": "使用通知为游戏里的特殊物品设置提醒。",
"notifInfoMsgB": "可自定义部分内容以满足个性化需求。",
"notifInfoMsgC": "铃铛图标表示即使此App未运行,通知也会显示在你的设备上。",
"notifInfoMsgD": "部分通知允许你修改列表中显示的图片",
"notifInfoMsgE": "部分 Android 厂商的系统会阻止应用在后台运行。\n因此,当应用在后台运行时,通知在某些设备(如小米、华为)上不会正常工作。\n如果你遇到了这个问题,你可能需要在设置中打开“允许该应用在后台运行”选项。",
"swipeToSeeMoreOptions": "左滑或右滑可查看每条通知的更多选项。"

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