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Wolkabout C++11 SDK for implementing Wolkabout connector, gateway or gateway module for connecting devices to Wolkabout IoT Platform.

Supported protocol(s):

  • Wolkabout protocol


Following tools/libraries are required in order to build Wolkabout C++ connector

  • cmake - version 3.5 or later
  • autotools
  • autoconf
  • m4
  • zlib1g-dev
  • libssl-dev

Former can be installed on Debian based system from terminal by invoking

sudo apt-get install autotools-dev autoconf m4 zlib1g-dev cmake libssl-dev

SDK is consisted of three parts: Connectivity, Poco and Gtest which can be configured with cmake flags BUILD_CONNECTIVITY, BUILD_POCO and BUILD_GTEST recpectivly.

  • Connectivity Includes Wolkabout protocol implementation and paho mqtt library.

  • Poco Includes poco library with sql and ssl utilities.

  • Gtest Includes gtest and gmock libraries for writing unit tets.