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Ramiro Rojo edited this page Dec 10, 2019 · 8 revisions


A gem to power your RSpec tests and generate documentation with minimal writting.

Why this gem?

This gem was born as a replacement for Dictum, mostly because Dictum returns only HTML output and Wolox decided to adopt Swagger as their default documentation format.

This provides a really easy RSpec + Swagger integration, allowing minimal changes to your test to automatically generate documentation.

But this gem doesn't require RSpec nor Swagger, you may opt to use another test framework or exporting format (in the future).


General Installation Steps

  • Install this gem (gem install 'fictium') or add it to your gemfile:
group :development, :test do
  gem 'fictium'

You are mostly done, now each framework requires specific install instructions.

Steps for RSpec

Inside your spec_helper.rb (or rails_helper.rb):

# Require the RSpec official implementation:
require 'fictium/rspec'

# Add some default configurations:

Fictium.configure do |config|
  # You will require to configure the fixture path, if you want to use fixtures
  config.fixture_path = File.join(__dir__, 'support', 'docs')

Check out more details of the RSpec integration here.


For configuration options, just do Fictium.configure(&block) to setup your configurations:

For example:

Fictium.configure do |config|
  config.fixture_path = File.join(__dir__, 'support', 'docs') = 'Some new title'
  config.terms_of_service = ''

You can also check the spec folder, spec_helper.rb has a basic Fictium configuration for testig.

Read below about configurations available:

General configuration

name description
exporters An array of document exporters. Any object with a export(document) method, is a valid exporter.
pretty_print If true, it will print your documentation on a pretty format. (Enabled by default)

API information

All this information is under the object. Handles mostly API information

name description
title The title of the API, should be changed to the name of your API.
description A summary of your API. This could be omitted.
terms_of_service An URL to your terms of service for your API.
contract A hash containing a Swagger contract
license The license of the API. It must be a hash with two keys: url, and name. Both values should be strings.
version The version of your API, it is 0.1.0 by default.
export_path The export path for your documentation, by default is the doc folder.

Comment auto generation

name description
summary_format A method when called, it returns a default summary for a resource.
default_action_descriptors a hash containing a list of functions. Each pair must be in the format of action_name => lambda/proc/method. This will be called as a default description for actions like index, show, create, destroy and update. You can add more, if your application has common actions across the API. The method can only require the action as `-> {
unknown_action_descriptor When the descriptor is not found, this proc will be called instead. The same rules used in the action descriptor applies with this method.
default_subject The default subject used by the summary on each endpoint, by default is "This endpoint"

Response/Request configurations

name description
ignored_header_values Any header key added here, will be ignored from the documentation. (The list only contains lower case versions of the headers.
ignored_header_groups Similar to the previous one, but this instead will ignore any header starting with the following text. This is used because Rails tend to add a lot of headers, starting with rack.*, etc.
default_response_content_type The default content type returned for responses when the text is empty. by default is text/plain

API Blueprint Configurations

This configurations are inside the Fictium.configuration.api_blueprint.* configuration.

name description
host The host where your API is published.
resources_group_name The header you want into your resource list.
footer_header The header you want to your footer. It accepts markdown.
api_version_formatter A lambda, when given a semantic versioning version, it returns how it should be printed.
terms_of_service_formatter A lambda, with how to format your terms of service.
license_formatter A lambda, with the format you want for your license.

Postman Configurations

This configurations are inside the Fictium.configuration.postman.* configuration.

name description
id Your collection ID, usually an UUID4. But can be any valid string.
api_url How to display your base URL, by default is {{API_URL}} to use environment variables.
default_status_names A hash handling status names for common responses. for example, 201 could be CREATED.
unknown_status_name A lambda, where it gives the http status code and the example. It shows which name it should have.
example_formatter A lambda, when called with a status code and an example, it returns the title of the example case.