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Web portal: Peskas - Timor

Lifecycle: experimental

A web portal displaying data and insights from small fisheries in East Timor.

This app is structured as an R package and makes heavy use of the golem framework to organise the package. The user interface is heavily customised and relies on the open source dashboard template tabler.

The content of the dashboard is automatically updated every day through GitHub actions, in concert with the data processing and upload performed by the complementary repository peskas.timor.pipeline

Reproducibility is managed by combining docker and renv. This app runs in Google Cloud Run.

Multilingual support

Peskas supports multiple languages. The languages currently supported are English, Portuguese and Tetum.

The text displayed and the number formatted is specified in the file app_params.yaml. A translation file inst/translation.json is then generated automatically using data-raw/generate_translation_pars.R. Do not edit inst/translation.json by hand.

The following command allows for rapid iteration during development source("data-raw/generate_translation_pars.R"); devtools::load_all("."); run_app(options = list(launch.browser = F), onStart = start_fun).

Code of Conduct

Please note that the peskas.timor.portal project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.