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Releases: Worldline-Global-Collect/connect-sdk-client-flutter


29 Mar 13:18
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  • Fixed an issue where the collected metadata did not properly identify the Flutter SDK.


19 Mar 10:41
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This SDK is a rebranded and updated version of the SDK that was previously published under the Ingenico name. Next to renaming to Worldline, there were some minor changes. Please have a look at the release notes below to see what has changed. Previous versions and release notes of this SDK can be found here.

Some minor changes were also made in the Flutter SDK:


  • The function getPrivacyPolicy was added to the ClientApi to retrieve the policy for a paymentProductId and/or locale. Providing no paymentProductId will retrieve all available payment product policies. Providing no locale will return the default 'en_US' locale.


  • displayHints in PaymentProductField is now of type PaymentProductFieldDisplayHints? because it can be null in the native SDKs.


  • PaymentProductFieldDisplayHints.empty constructor has been removed.