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Default Plugins. Everything Search

Boris Makogonyuk edited this page Nov 11, 2016 · 3 revisions



Although not initially present, this plugin became the core plugin of Wox once implemented. It relies on VoidTools' Everything Search application for it's functionality. Everything Search is blazing fast and allows to match different patterns of entries and Wox uses that ability to it's full extent.

You can search for a specific hierarchy of folders or use wildcards in your query if you are not sure about the name of the file you are trying to find.


The only setting available for the plugin is the ability to set the working directory of the application to it's location in the case of selecting an executable file.

Example queries

  • \etc\hosts - finds a "hosts" file that is in a directory called "etc"
  • *cv*.pdf - finds a file that contains "cv" in it's name and ends with ".pdf"


file search types

Using a keyword in front
