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React Native Dash 2

Battle Tested ✅

React Native Dash 2

npm version npm Platform - Android and iOS License: MIT styled with prettier

React Native Dash 2

Image is taken on react-native-beautiful-timeline This is a usage of the library itself.


Add the dependency:

npm i react-native-dash-2

Peer Dependencies

Zero Dependency



import Dash from "react-native-dash-2";

Horizontal Usage

<Dash style={{ width: 100, height: 1 }} />

Vertical Usage

<Dash style={{ width: 1, height: 100, flexDirection: "column" }} />

Example Project 😍

You can checkout the example project 🥰

Simply run

  • npm i
  • react-native run-ios/android

should work of the example project.

Configuration - Props


Property Type Default Description
style StyleProp undefined set the height and width to make it visible and use flexDirection: "column" to make it vertical or horizontal

Customization (Optionals)

Property Type Default Description
dashStyle StyleProp default change dashStyle itself
dashGap number 2 change the each dash's gap
dashLength number 4 change / set dash length
dashThickness number 2 change each dash's thickness
dashColor color "#000" change each dash's color


Heavily inspired by react-native-dash Since this library is not updated more than 3 years, we can continue with this project :) Thank you for the main library for obipawan

Future Plans

  • Write an article about the lib on Medium




React Native Dash 2 is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.