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XBOverclock V1.0
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WulfyStylez committed Jun 21, 2018
0 parents commit 20ba9b0
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Showing 6 changed files with 482 additions and 0 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
OBJS = main.o utils.o
LIBS = -static-libstdc++ -static
CFLAGS = -std=gnu11 -Wall -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -O2 -I.
OUTPUT = xboverclock
CC = gcc

main: $(OBJS) $(ALGO_OBJS)

rm -rf $(OUTPUT) $(OBJS) $(ALGO_OBJS)
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
XBOverclock v1.0
by WulfyStylez, 2018

This is a tool for adjusting clocks on original XBOX hardware. It modifies system initialization fields and bytecode ("X-Codes") using heuristics to allow for reclocking of a few parts of the XBOX system.
Your BIOS must not check the hash of the "X-Codes" or you will FRAG upon boot. Other than this, XBOverclock should work with any and all XBOX BIOSes. (Support for prototype EVT/DVT1-3 boards is even implemented! This requires rebuilding with defines adjusted.)

Currently, NVCLK (NV2A GPU core) and FSB (system front-side bus, used by CPU, SB, ...) clocks can be adjusted.

Author's suggestions regarding overclocking:
- FSB overclocks require quite a lot of hardware to run out of spec, and are limited by this. Bad FSB overclocks regularly result in hangs with audio looping.
- NVCLK overclocks are naturally less restricted. Theoretically different chips should reach different peak clocks, but this is currently speculation.
- Clocks are rounded down to the nearest clock divider value. Try adding 1-2MHz if actual clocks differ significantly from input.
- This was only tested on a single 1.0 console (MFD 12/2001). Stable clocks achieved were 259MHz NVCLK, 141MHz FSB.
- If these numbers turn out to be consistent between many consoles, additional boot parameters may need to be tweaked in order to push clocks farther. Let me know if this turns out to be the case!
- Have fun, and please be responsible!!
240 changes: 240 additions & 0 deletions main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>

#include "utils.h"

//#define BETA_BASECLK // pre-DVT4 hardware uses a 13.5MHz base clock
//#define NV2A_A1 // Early A1 revision of NV2A, DVT2 (and maybe DVT1/EVT?) use this

const float base_clock = 16.66; // base clock on DVT4 and newer
const float base_clock = 13.5;

char *bios_data = NULL;
int bios_size = 0;

// TODO: rewrite this, we should be able to do /1, /2, /4, /8
void calc_clock_params(int clk, int *n, int *m)
int work1, work2, work4, divisor;

work1 = clk / base_clock;

work2 = (clk*2) / base_clock;

work4 = (clk*4) / base_clock;

if(work2 * 2 != work4) {
*n = work4;
*m = 4;
else if(work1 * 2 != work2) {
*n = work2;
*m = 2;
else {
*n = work1;
*m = 1;

// find and patch FSB dividers
void patch_fsb(int fsb_target)
printf("Patching FSB to %dMHz...\n", fsb_target);

int n, m;
calc_clock_params(fsb_target, &n, &m);
float clk = base_clock * n / m;
printf("Actual FSB clock: %.01fMHz\n", clk);
printf("CPU clock (stock CPU): %.01fMHz\n", clk * 5.5);

// get MCP init table offset so we can tweak FSB multipliers
int table_offset = getle32(&bios_data[4]) & 0x00FFFFFF;

// n and m for each fsb mode
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
bios_data[table_offset+0x08+i] = m;
bios_data[table_offset+0x0C+i] = n;
// "ROM" mode clock
bios_data[table_offset+0x10] = m;
bios_data[table_offset+0x11] = n;

// 0x00230801, default MPLL coefficient (MEM_PDIV = 2, FSB_PDIV = 3, NDIV = 8, MDIV = 1)
// 0x01230801, "override" version of above, patch this too
// look for 0x8000036C (register write offset), then the shared 3 bottom bytes of the above words
u32 mpll_data[2];
putle32(&mpll_data[0], 0x8000036C);
putle32(&mpll_data[1], 0x00230801);
int found = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < bios_size - sizeof(mpll_data) && found < 2; i++)
// don't compare the top byte, this heuristic is enough to catch both things we need to patch
if(!memcmp(&bios_data[i], mpll_data, 7))
printf("Patching MPLL coefficient pattern at offset 0x%X\n", i);

bios_data[i+4] = m;
bios_data[i+5] = n;
if(found < 2)
printf("WARNING: Failed to find 2 instances of the MPLL coefficient pattern as expected.\n");

// find and patch NVCLK divider
void patch_nvclk(int nvclk_target)
printf("Patching NVCLK to %dMHz...\n", nvclk_target);

// NVCLK is packed in the following way:
// 0x000PNNMM, where clock in MHz = (N * (base_clock) / M) >> P;
// we always use 1 for P

int n, m;
calc_clock_params(nvclk_target*2, &n, &m);
printf("Actual NVCLK: %.01fMHz\n", (base_clock * n / m)/2);

* find a pattern of 32-bit {pll coefficient register address, register setting}
* bytecode sets one clock profile for >= A2 revision NV2A, and another for A1 revision.
* NOTE: NV2A A1 is only in DVT2 (and lower?) kits (?!), differing DVT3 clocks (early vs late w/ fansink)
* seem to have been handled with completely separate bootloaders.
u32 nvclk_data[2];
bool found = false;
putle32(&nvclk_data[0], 0x0F680500);
#ifndef NV2A_A1
putle32(&nvclk_data[1], 0x00011C01); // NV2A A2+ (DVT4+ default: ~266MHz at 16.66MHz base)
putle32(&nvclk_data[1], 0x00011701); // NV2A A1 (155MHz at 13.5MHz base)
for(int i = 0; i < bios_size - sizeof(nvclk_data); i++)
if(!memcmp(&bios_data[i], &nvclk_data, sizeof(nvclk_data)))
printf("Patching NVCLK setting pattern at offset 0x%X\n", i);

bios_data[i+4] = m;
bios_data[i+5] = n;
//bios_data[i+6] = p;
found = true;
if(found == false)
printf("WARNING: Failed to find an instance of the NVCLK coefficient pattern as expected.\n");

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
u32 i = 0, j = 0;
int ret = 0;

// disable printf buffering for now
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
setbuf(stderr, NULL);

printf("XBOverclock v1.0\n"
"By WulfyStylez 2k18\n"
"Built %s, %s\n\n", __DATE__, __TIME__);

// parse and prepare input
if(argc < 4)
printf("Usage: XBOverclock [args] [xboxbios.rom]\n"
" -nv [num] set NVCLK (NV2A GPU frequency) in MHz (default: 233)\n"
" -fsb [num] set front-side bus frequency in MHz (default: 133)\n"
" -o [filename] write to a separate output file\n");
return -1;

char* fn_bios = argv[argc-1];
char* fn_out = fn_bios;

// parse middle args
int nvclk_target = 0;
int fsb_target = 0;
for(i = 1; i < argc-1; i++)
if(!strcmp("-nv", argv[i])) {
nvclk_target = strtoul(argv[i], NULL, 0);
else if(!strcmp("-fsb", argv[i])) {
fsb_target = strtoul(argv[i], NULL, 0);
else if(!strcmp("-o", argv[i])) {
fn_out = argv[i];
else {
printf("Unrecognized argument %s !\n", argv[i]);
return -1;

// read the BIOS
FILE* f_bios = fopen(fn_bios, "rb");
printf("Failed to open %s for reading!\n", fn_bios);
return -1;

if(fseek(f_bios, 0, SEEK_END))
printf("Failed to check size of BIOS file!\n");
return -1;

bios_size = ftell(f_bios);

bios_data = malloc(bios_size);
if(!bios_data || fread(bios_data, 1, bios_size, f_bios) != bios_size)
printf("Failed to read BIOS!\n");
return -1;

if(nvclk_target != 0)

if(fsb_target != 0)

FILE* f_out = fopen(fn_out, "wb");
printf("Failed to create %s!\n", fn_out);
return -1;

if(fwrite(bios_data, 1, bios_size, f_out) != bios_size)
printf("Failed to write data to %s...\n", fn_out);

return 0;
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#ifndef __TYPES_H__
#define __TYPES_H__

#include <stdint.h>

typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef unsigned int u32;
typedef unsigned long long u64;

typedef signed char s8;
typedef signed short s16;
typedef signed int s32;
typedef signed long long s64;

typedef enum { false, true } bool;

enum flags
ExtractFlag = (1<<0),
InfoFlag = (1<<1),
PlainFlag = (1<<2),
VerboseFlag = (1<<3),
VerifyFlag = (1<<4),
RawFlag = (1<<5),
ShowKeysFlag = (1<<6),
DecompressCodeFlag = (1<<7)

enum validstate
Unchecked = 0,
Good = 1,
Fail = 2,

enum sizeunits
sizeKB = 0x400,
sizeMB = 0x100000,


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