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LaTeX Labeler - Simplify equation labeling in LaTeX

LaTeX Labeler is an Emacs Lisp package designed to streamline the process of labeling equations in LaTeX documents. This package enables numbering equations sequentially in a LaTeX file from top to bottom. The main purpose of LaTeX Labeler is to synchronize equation labels in a LaTeX file and a compiled document. You can avoid the hassle of manually managing label naming. This is a simple yet powerful solution that saves you time and eliminates labeling confusion.

Note: We would like to emphasize that this package is inspired by texlabel.el, created by While LaTeX Labeler offers similar functionality to texlabel.el, it includes several enhanced and improved features.


  • Automatic labeling: LaTeX Labeler automatically generates and updates equation labels in your LaTeX documents.
  • Reference updates: When labels are updated, corresponding references are automatically updated.

Important note

While LaTeX Labeler works seamlessly with AUCTeX and YaTeX, it may encounter unexpected errors when used with the built-in latex-mode, especially when labeling equations within subequations environment. We recommend using LaTeX Labeler with AUCTeX or YaTeX.

Getting started

  1. LaTeX Labeler is available on MELPA:

    M-x package-install RET latex-labeler RET.

  2. If you use AUCTeX, add the following code to your Emacs configuration file (e.g. ~/.emacs.d/init.el):

    (with-eval-after-load 'latex (require 'latex-labeler))

    Additionaly, it is recommended to add the following code. This code suppresses the prompt for inserting an equation label when executing the LaTeX-environment command (C-c C-e):

    (setq LaTeX-equation-label nil)

    If you use YaTeX instead of AUCTeX, add the following code:

    (with-eval-after-load 'yatex (require 'latex-labeler))


LaTeX Labeler provides three commands for labeling equations and updating references.

  • latex-labeler-update: Update equation labels and references that match the predefined format in your LaTeX document.
  • latex-labeler-update-force: Forcefully update all labels and references, regardless of the format.
  • latex-labeler-change-prefix-and-update: Change the label prefix interactively and updates labels. When you change the prefix, LaTeX Labeler appends the necessary local variables configuration to your LaTeX file.


  1. Assume you have a LaTeX file shown as follows. The default label prefix is set to eq.

  2. Use M-x latex-labeler-update command to update labels that match the "eq: + number" format. In the place where there are no labels, new labels are inserted in the "eq: + number" format. This will make the labels in your LaTeX file match the equation numbers in the PDF. Additionally, a reference using eqref is updated.

  3. Use M-x latex-labeler-update-force command to update all labels and references, regardless of the format.

  4. If you want to change the label prefix, use M-x latex-labeler-change-prefix-and-update command. You are prompted to enter a new prefix in the minibuffer. The labels are updated with the new prefix, and a local variable setting is added to the file.

Label format with section numbers

When working with a LaTeX file that includes sections, you can include the section number in equation numbering in the compiled document. This can be achieved by adding the following lines to the LaTeX preamble:


For LaTeX files edited in Emacs, you can also append section numbers to equation labels. To enable this feature, set the custom variable latex-labeler-with-section-counter to t. If you want to set it for a particular file, add the following lines at the end of the LaTeX file:

% local variables:
% latex-labeler-with-section-counter: t
% end:

If you use AUCTeX and want to apply this configuration to all LaTeX files within a particular directory, create a file named .dir-locals.el in that directory and add the following lines in .dir-locals.el (alternatively, you can achieve this by running the command M-x add-dir-local-variables):

;;; Directory Local Variables            -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
;;; For more information see (info "(emacs) Directory Variables")

((latex-mode . ((latex-labeler-with-section-counter . t))))

If you prefer to set this configuration globally, add the following line to your Emacs configuration file:

(setq latex-labeler-with-section-counter t)

After the \appendix command, appropriate letters are added as section counters instead of numbers.

Note for multi-file documents

Please note that LaTeX Labeler updates labels and references only within the currently edited file. It does not affect labels and references in other files included using \input{...} or \include{...}. If you work with a large document spanning multiple files, we recommend the following workflow:

  1. Divide your LaTeX document into files at units where equation labels are reset, such as chapters or sections.

  2. Use latex-labeler-change-prefix-and-update to set a label prefix for each individual file.

  3. For equations that are referenced in other files, assign unique labels that do not follow the prefix + number format. Use latex-labeler-update to update labels within the file.

  4. If you need to modify label names that do not follow the prefix + number format across multiple files, you can use built-in commands in Emacs. For instance, when managing LaTeX files as a project, you can use project-query-replace-regexp, which is bound to C-x p r.

Examples of customization

  • To assign key bindings to the three main functions, you can set them up as follows. If you use AUCTeX,

    (with-eval-after-load 'latex
      (define-key LaTeX-mode-map (kbd "C-c t u") #'latex-labeler-update)
      (define-key LaTeX-mode-map (kbd "C-c t f") #'latex-labeler-update-force)
      (define-key LaTeX-mode-map (kbd "C-c t p") #'latex-labeler-change-prefix-and-update))

    If you use YaTeX, substitute 'latex with 'yatex, and LaTeX-mode-map with YaTeX-mode-map.

  • If you use AUCTeX and always want to run latex-labeler-update before TeX-command-master bound to C-c C-c, configure it as follows:

    (advice-add 'TeX-command-master :before #'latex-labeler-update)
  • You can add math environments to be labeled. If you want to label equations within a math environment \begin{newenv} ... \end{newenv}, configure it as follows:

    (add-to-list 'latex-labeler-math-envs "newenv" t)

    Replace "newenv" with the actual name of the environment you want to label.

  • If you want to achieve line breaks before labels and apply indentation, configure it as follows:

    (setq latex-labeler-string-before-label "\n")
    (setq latex-labeler-label-with-indent t)

  • If you prefer nested equation labels in the subequations environment to be in the format eq:1-1, eq:1-2,... instead of eq:1a, eq:1b,..., configure it as follows:

    (setq latex-labeler-initial-subcounter 1)
    (setq latex-labeler-subformat-separator "-")

    It is important to set (setq latex-labeler-subformat-separator "-"). Without this, you cannot distinguish whether, for example, \label{eq:31} is a label for the first subequation of equation 3 or the label for the 31st equation.

  • If you want to use labels like foo1, foo2, ... instead of eq:1, eq:2, ... for a specific file, add the following to the bottom of the LaTeX file:

    % local variables:
    % latex-labeler-prefix: "foo"
    % latex-labeler-prefix-separator: ""
    % end:

Custom variables

  • latex-labeler-math-envs: A list of math environments that should be labeled. Default is '("align" "equation" "eqnarray" "gather" "multline" "subequations" "alignat" "flalign") .

  • latex-labeler-nonumber-at-linebreaks: Math environments where line breaks occur without numbering. Default is '("multline" "subequations") .

  • latex-labeler-refs: A list of reference command types. Default is '("eqref" "ref" "pageref").

  • latex-labeler-commands-containing-linebreaks: List of commands that can have line breaks \\. Line breaks in the commands will be ignored in the search. Default is '("substack")

  • latex-labeler-initial-equation-number: The initial equation number. Default value is 1.

  • latex-labeler-initial-subcounter: The initial subcounter for subequations environments. Default is "a".

  • latex-labeler-prefix: The prefix for generated labels. Default is "eq".

  • latex-labeler-prefix-separator: The separator between the prefix and counter. Default is ":".

  • latex-labeler-subformat-separator: The separator between subformat and counter. Default is an empty string "".

  • latex-labeler-string-before-label: A string inserted before the label. Default is an empty space " ".

  • latex-labeler-string-after-label: A string inserted after the label. Default is an empty string "".

  • latex-labeler-label-with-indent: If t, perform indentation after labeling. Default is nil.

  • latex-labeler-preserve-local-prefix: If t, the local prefix setting is added when updating. Default is t.

  • latex-labeler-update-reftex: Update RefTeX after labeling if t and reftex-mode is enabled. Default is nil.

  • latex-labeler-with-section-counter: If the value is t, include a section counter in the label format. Default is nil.

  • latex-labeler-with-appendix-letter: If t, include an appendix letter in the label format. It is assumed that each appendix is separated by a section. When the value of latex-labeler-with-section-counter is t, each label in the appendix sections is appended with the appendix letter, regardless of the value of latex-labeler-with-appendix-letter. Default is nil.

  • latex-labeler-initial-section-counter: Initial section counter. Default is 1.