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How to run


  • Python 3.8.16
  • It should work directly if you run the code on colab
  • To setup the environment yourself, run pip install -r requirements.txt


  • To train the model yourself, run the 109550094_Final_inference.ipynb directly, be sure both test.csv and train.csv are at the same directory. Since we analysis the data for test and train at the same time, so both two files need to be load even though for training.
  • After running the code, it will generate the model.pkl, which is the training model.

Pre-trained model

  • The pre-trained model can be found on the above code region, i.e. the model.pkl file, or reference to this link.


  • To test the model, run the 109550094_Final_inference.ipynb directly, but 4 files are needed to be provided, first, both test.csv and train.csv are needed to be at the same directory, due to the data preprocessing need both two files. Second, you need to prepare a trained model named model.pkl, you can train by yourself or use the proveided pretrained model. Last, sample_submission.csv is needed as the template of output format.
  • After running the code, it will generate a file named submission.csv, which is the prediction of the testing data.

Details of implementation

Data analysis

  • We can find that
    1. there are many null values in the data
    2. the result of data is imbalancing
  • So we need to solve the above problems in data preprocessing

Data preprocssing

  1. To solve the first problem, I choose the idea1 of using correlated columns to predict the null value, the prediction model is HaberRegressor. Since the correlated columns may also be null, so it may fail to predict. If it fail to predict, we use KNN instead.
  2. To solve the second problem, I use imblearn.over_sampling.SMOTE to generate some data for the class that has less data.
  3. Then, we choose some of the features that is more helpful to train the model instead of the whole features
  4. Finally, we preform standardize on the input data before sending into the model


  • I use Linear Support Vector Regression as the main model of training, the hyperparemeter I use is epsilon=0, C=0.0001, which perfomed the best
  • On training, I use KFold first to adjust the hyperparemeter, and then use the whole training set to train the model

Result Analysis

Hyperparemeter testing

  • Model Compare
Model Accuracy Model Accuracy
LinearSVR 0.59092 SGDRegressor 0.59
HugerRegression 0.5909 RadiusNeighbors 0.5883
PLSRegression 0.5909 MLPRegressor 0.58299
LogisticRegression 0.59089 SVR 0.57898
LinearRegression 0.59087 AdaboostRegression 0.57062
Ridge 0.59087 RANSACRegression 0.56859
BayesianRidge 0.59087 RandomForestClassifier 0.53718
TweedieRegression 0.59074 DecisionTreeRegression 0.51337
TheilSenRegressor 0.59067 KNeighbors 0.52154
  • Used Feature

    • First we use whole features to train the model, and we can get the importance of each feature, as the figure show below. featureImportance
    • Then we can choose only parts of features to train the model
    Used feature all top 10 top 6 top 5 top 4 top 3 top 2
    Accuracy 0.58941 0.59061 0.591 0.59117 0.59126 0.59114 0.59116
  • Null Filled Regressor Hyperparemeter

    • The hyperparemeter of the null value predict model, HugerRegressor
    epsilon 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.95 2 2.05 2.05
    Accuracy 0.59122 0.59121 0.59126 0.59131 0.59133 0.59128 0.59125
  • Null filled policy

  • The hyperparemeters used to filled the null columns, we can get the best result if we only use the most correlated features, I think this is because the more features we use, the higher probability the correlated columns have null value in it and can't be use, and fall back to use the KNN to predict, which is less accurate(can reference to the Ablation Study at below)

k of KNN correlated columns count Accuracy
5 1 0.5909
4 1 0.59097
1 1 0.58992
2 1 0.5908
3 1 0.59126
3 2 0.59065
3 3 0.59069
3 4 0.59075

Ablation Study

  • To verify the model we design, we test some case without specific parts of our model
Model Accuracy
Current Model 0.59126
w/o balancing data 0.59087
w/o filled null using correlated columns 0.58929
w/o feature selection 0.58941


  1. (↑)


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