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The MQTT listener allows a user to receive data from a device or any source that uses the MQTT messaging protocol.


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MQTT Listener



The MQTT listener allows a user to receive data from a device or any source that uses the MQTT messaging protocol.

How the code works

All settings referred to in the code need to correspond with the settings defined in the template that has been created for the agent using the XMPro Package Manager. Refer to the XMPro Package Manager guide for instructions on how to define the settings in the template and package the agent after building the code.

After packaging the agent, you can upload it to the XMPro Data Stream Designer and start using it.


When a user needs to use the MQTT Listener, they need to provide a Broker address, and a topic. A user also needs to specify the payload format. Available payload formats include JSON and HEX. Retrieve these values from the configuration using the following code:

private Configuration config;
private MqttClient client;
private string Broker => this.config["Broker"];
private string Topic => this.IsRemote() ? this.FromId().ToString() : this.config["Topic"];
private string Format => this.config["Format"] ?? "JSON";

The user also needs to specify a payload definition. Each definition consists of a name and data type, which is added via a grid. Get the value of the grid, using the following code:

private Grid _PayloadDefinition;
private Grid PayloadDefinition
        if (this._PayloadDefinition == null)
            var grid = new Grid();
            grid.Value = this.config["PayloadDefinition"];
            this._PayloadDefinition = grid;
        return this._PayloadDefinition;

If the payload has a nested structure, the user needs to select the Specify a JSON path for payload check box. When a user clicks the Add-button on the grid, they will normally be allowed to only add a Name and Type, unless the Specify JSON path for payload check box is checked, for which an extra column will be added to allow the user to add the JSON path. To get the value of this setting, use the following code:

private bool SpecifyJPath
        var specifyJPath = false;
        Boolean.TryParse(this.config["SpecifyJPath"], out specifyJPath);
        return specifyJPath;

Example of a payload with a nested structure: Given the payload below, the JSON Path to the "author" attribute would be "".

      "category": "reference",
      "author": "Nigel Rees"


In the GetConfigurationTemplate method, parse the JSON representation of the settings into the Settings object.

var settings = Settings.Parse(template);
new Populator(parameters).Populate(settings);

Create controls for the items listed below and set their values and visibility.

  • Topic
  • Specify JSON path for payload check box
  • Sample JSON Path title
  • Payload Definition grid
  • JSON Path text box
  • Payload format drop down
var topic = settings.Find("Topic") as TextBox;
topic.Visible = !this.IsRemote();

var Format = settings.Find("Format") as DropDown;

var SpecifyJPath = settings.Find("SpecifyJPath") as CheckBox;
SpecifyJPath.Visible = Format.Value == "JSON";
var SampleJPath = settings.Find("SampleJPath") as Title;
var PayloadDefinition = settings.Find("PayloadDefinition") as Grid;
TextBox JPath = PayloadDefinition.Columns.First(s => s.Key == "Path") as TextBox;
    = JPath.Required 
    = SampleJPath.Visible 
    = SpecifyJPath.Value && SpecifyJPath.Visible;
DropDown Type = PayloadDefinition.Columns.First(s => s.Key == "Type") as DropDown;
Type.Visible = Format.Value == "JSON";
TextBox ByteIndexes = PayloadDefinition.Columns.First(s => s.Key == "ByteIndexes") as TextBox;
ByteIndexes.Visible = Format.Value == "HEX";


The settings listed below should not be left empty. If they're left empty, an error needs to be added when the stream is validated.

  • Broker Address
  • Topic
int i = 1;
var errors = new List<string>();
this.config = new Configuration() { Parameters = parameters };

if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Broker))
    errors.Add($"Error {i++}: Broker is not specified.");

if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Topic))
    errors.Add($"Error {i++}: Topic is not specified.");      

The Payload Definition should also contain at least one row. If the grid contains at least one row, make sure that, if the user checked the Specify JSON path for payload check box, the JSON path is defined.

var grid = new Grid();
grid.Value = this.config["PayloadDefinition"];
if (grid.Rows.Any() == false)
    errors.Add($"Error {i++}: Payload Definition is not specified.");
    int rowCount = 1;
    foreach (var row in grid.Rows)
        if (SpecifyJPath == true && String.IsNullOrEmpty(row["Path"].ToString()))
            errors.Add("JSON Path is not specified on row " + rowCount);


Set the config variable to the configuration received in the Create method.

this.config = configuration;

Create a new MQTT client, given the value in the Broker Address field

this.client = new MqttClient(this.Broker);

Specify the event handler that should be used when the MqttMsgPublishReceived event is raised. This event will be raised each time a message is published on the topic that the client is subscribed to.

this.client.MqttMsgPublishReceived += Client_MqttMsgPublishReceived;


In the Start method, connect to the MQTT client, providing a new and unique ID and then subscribe to the topic the user provided.

public void Start()
    if (this.client.IsConnected == false)
        this.client.Subscribe(new string[] { this.Topic }, new byte[] { MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_EXACTLY_ONCE });


Make sure that the MQTT client is disconnected in the Destroy method.

public void Destroy()
    if (this.client?.IsConnected == true)

Publishing Events

Events need to be published in the event handler of the MqttMsgPublishReceived event.

If the format of the payload is JSON, first make sure that the message is correctly formatted.

var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(e.Message);
if (!message.StartsWith("[") || !message.EndsWith("]"))
   message = "[" + message.TrimStart('[').TrimEnd(']') + "]";

If there isn't a JSON path specified for the payload, the output of the agent would be the same as the input. However, if a path has been specified, it needs to apply the SelectToken to get the value, after which the value needs to be added to the output.

JArray input = JArray.Parse(message);

if (SpecifyJPath == false)
    output = input;
    foreach (var obj in input.Children<JObject>())
        JObject modObj = new JObject();
        foreach (var row in this.PayloadDefinition.Rows)
            object value = ((JValue)obj.SelectToken(row["Path"].ToString()))?.Value;
            modObj.Add(new JProperty(row["Name"].ToString(), value));

If the format of the payload is HEX, for each of the rows in the payload definition, make sure the value of the data is in the correct format for each row and add the row to an object of type JObject. Finally, add the object to the output.

JObject hObj = new JObject();
foreach (var row in this.PayloadDefinition.Rows)
    string value = String.Concat(ParseIndexes(row["ByteIndexes"].ToString(), e.Message.Length - 1).Select(i => e.Message[i].ToString("X2")));
    hObj.Add(new JProperty(row["Name"].ToString(), value));

Invoke the OnPublish event and publish the output to the Output endpoint.

this.OnPublish?.Invoke(this, new OnPublishArgs(output, "Output"));

If an exception occurs, invoke the OnPublish event in the catch statement and publish the error details to the Error endpoint.

JObject errorObject = new JObject()
    { "AgentId" , this.UniqueId },
    { "Timestamp", DateTime.UtcNow },
    { "Source", nameof(Client_MqttMsgPublishReceived) },
    { "Error", ex.GetType().Name },
    { "DetailedError", ex.Message },
    { "Data", message ?? "Error deserializing the data"},
this.OnPublish?.Invoke(this, new OnPublishArgs(new JArray() { errorObject }, "Error"));

Decrypting Values

This agent does not have any values that need to be decrypted.


The MQTT listener allows a user to receive data from a device or any source that uses the MQTT messaging protocol.






