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Anunay Sinha edited this page Oct 29, 2016 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Kingcross wiki!

Kingcross is a sample Spring Boot project which is integrated with Keycloak We have not talked about setting up keycloak here but rather how to integrate it with keycloak. Going ahead in this document it will be good to have basic information about keycloak.

For this application, we created a Realm and a confidential client for our application with openid-connect as client protocol. Since we will not be hosting it anywhere and will be testing locally, we will set redirect URI to localhost

Once its done, you can generate keycloak.json from the Keycloak Admin Pannel

{ "realm": "RealmName", "realm-public-key": "MIIBIjANBgkqhki*****EFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtYKM8pggX1H7+OeS6hN9l+e2H5k2FQCgdiQXvXiMBwDYOWty2Sz2x6q8MviX5seN7K/r/HdSYjdWbFkZ5KarVUhO/VsQRBcxD102K5sb/xe1fBNLxHC0HRC5GQ1RLF2BCLhHQX++Ezf6poyfHVYR1DXdkDN+dAsJBgXhVdhxneSD/W654y7eceMsahZcPXPn8yxujXwDkG8+EXwaquP***fz+LVzb1Ua5ulm1cjxmRMAYca***SOQv5k7NX3AzGCaf5eu/uw7qLrKAoSZBL7NL********r+kwLR2W2UpP+aT********aMwTMlWAaBzKlQIDAQAB", "auth-server-url": "", "ssl-required": "none", "resource": "kingcross", "credentials": { "secret": "secret key" } }

This keycloak.json gets added to my resource folder. We will talk more about it. But thats all we need to proceed further

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