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This is my transcripted version of SmashingConf presentations
Conference happened on 17-18 of March, 2015 in Oxford

some shorthands to be awared of due to stenography stylistics:

u - you  
ur - your  
UR - User Research  
RAF - Request Animation Frame

Photos of speakers and conference moments: See here

Smashing Conference - DAY 1

Christofer Merphy - A good writer...

"a technique for producing ideas" book


  • inspectional
  • analytical
  • syntopical
    • read more, multiple angles
    • form your own opinion

re-read the book
read through and over

mental models
Charlie Monger - Google this guy!

hammer syndrom

to a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail

branches of knowledge to know and read about
creating a reacher mind

  • psychology
  • economincs
  • heuristics
  • mathematics
  • pricing
  • accounting
  • anthropology

don't be afraid of writing

books: the craft of words

  • macrocopy
  • microcopy

1+1=3 1+1+1=5

together things mean more than on their own

sharing helps, so go ahead and share!

once u have a blog u think about writing and analyze
socratical method of thinking - asking questions

inspirational talk
read, read more, read now, open your mind for the new
write when you want to, don't wait for the right time, it will never come
don't forget to share your ideas and thoughts (start blog or smth.)

Meagan Fischer - The why and how of designing for people

(how to be paid for your work and not be ashamed of it)


  • 1 developer
  • 1 designer

empathy in design

write urself into existence in context of UI design

  • understand feelings and needs
  • exposure to users
  • design effective solutions


  • business goals
  • what looks best
  • what do people really want

get to know ur user!
it doesn't have to be hard

  • ask questions
  • observe frustrations
  • listen to unmet goals
  • disple your assumptions

watch them use the product:



observation tools

good for making small changes (a/b testing?)

simple query emails result in useful data

  • useful constraints
  • meaningful content
  • better critiques
  • iterative changes

inspirational talk / success story
be open to your users
be ready to meet their needs

Richard Rutter - Don't give them what they want, Give them what they need
Kensington and Chelsea planning department

analytics and getting information

  • people searching about planning
  • site search analysis and page visits
  • search logs
  • call center to get information

multiple topics merge into one service or content:
Home > Service hub > sub hub > topic > page

performed user testing
CMS issues > create design principles

success - in all other departments used the same philosophy of design

inspirational talk / success story
get to know your users with every possible option
provide user testing, understand users' needs
create your design guide and stick with it for the best

Yoav Weiss - Responsive images are here

Flexible images?

72% savings over using correct images according to resolution

  1. Responsive Images Community Group --> proposal Apple --> srcset proposal

picture vs srcset --> picture AND srcset

  1. convincing browsers


1st use case - retina images

srcset="2x.jpg 2x" == [source][descriptor]

2nd usecase - crop to the right view

	<source media="(min-width:45em)" srcset="large.jpg">
	<img src="small.jpg" />

3rd usecase MIME type fallback

type="image/webp" srcset="example.webp"
type="image/" srcset="example.jpx"

4 usecase variable width images

<img src="panda.jpg"
	sizes="100vw" \\ close enough to most used
	srcset="panda200.jpg 200w,
			panda400.jpg 400w, ..."

precise targeting


"sizes" is an optimization

in total:



Chrome 38, Opera - most
Firefix 38 (to be released) - partial
IE (to be done) - partial
Safari 8 - partial

feature detecting: HTMLImageElement.srcset

techspirational talk (coined this one!)
use responsive images now for good
use picture if there are any specific resources due to design purposes otherwise better use srcset

Peter Bilak - rethinking publishing

many repetition among magazines
advertising to content 55% to 45%
advertorial = content mixed with ads

many editions converted to run online only
tendency - getting revenue from online subscribers rather than ads
digital version > print version > digital + print

subscription / Unsubscription happens over 1 email address
design matters - creativity changes the world
stop adding, think about removing approach (removing signs for traffic)

chungking mansions | the world inside the building


inspirational talk / success story
re-think your publishing strategy - is it good enough to meet customers' needs?
ask your customers! are you ready to adapt for digital?
sometimes deleting rather than adding is the best way to evolve

Natalie Yadrentseva - Visualisation that takes us beyond the numbers

people don't think about things they don't see

visual management


visual approach

  • applying techniques in daily routine
  • computer visualisation

choose the beneficial angle
how we will look at the data

  • categories
  • hierarchy
  • time-series

structuring data

  • organizing into sections
  • make a model
  • changes over time (future casting)
  • networks and connection help to reveal bottlenecks
  • analyze dependencies to understand small tasks and big goals

spatial mapping

  • use hue to alarm
  • use intensity to investigate

using computer

use templates to speed start with raw data visualisation

bad thing: dog can ruin your notes on stickers
solution: use digital data


  • learning from historical data
  • common knowledge base

somewhat observation talk
unfortunately in so many posible ways
it happens to be the most nebulous and CO talk at the SmashingConf

Tom Giannattasio - Beyond the browser

hybrid apps

node webkit
nw.js (powered by Intel)

npm install nw > package.json + index.html > build


toolbar: false
chromium-args: --enable-experimental-web-platform-features

coding the app

var gui = require nw.gui
var nativeWindow = gui.Window.get()

-webkit-app-region: drag to move app

// referring to the Shell

macaw advertisement / story goes here


  • observe events

  • virtual DOM


    document.styleSheets.cssRules allows to add styles = "#ff0" happens in 0.5ms

  • virtual CSSOM 15ms vs LiveReload 220ms

awesome techspirational presentation, better get the slides
hybrid apps are really great thing for non-programmers
with the help of node you can build powerful desktop apps

Bruce Lawson - Is Blink the new IE6?

Era of Netscape -
no support for needed features
then came the IE6
everybody loved IE6

WE made it hard for other browsers to get to other sites

iphone coming
danger of webkit

presto came
started to build sites that only look good in webkit

Vendor prefixes are bad
refuse from using prefixes
and leaving -webkit only for experimental features
for the good of the web

Mobile Web should just work for everyone!

Blink is making the web better
by awsomizing mobile web

blink - is monopoly bad?
is it a monopoly yet?

Native apps is scary thing -
apps continue to dominate the web.
Web apps without network don't work.

Service workers for the win!
Invoked if you are offline.

Bookmarks on the web is useless thing,
90% of users never used them.

Apps are the bookmarks on the mob.

Bruce is amazing, as always
check out his "Service Workers" logo
And don't use vendor prefixes to prevent one browser only domination

Smashing Conference - DAY 2

Mystery speaker - Chris Heilman

used to work for Mozilla -> Microsoft now compares the contemporary situation to "fintlewoodlewix"

brutal techhy world
I don't understand things
this brings no fun yet

don't fight for knowledge
find one thing and stick with it

leave people control for apps and web
(no popups and push notifications)

web as we know it is in danger

we lost communication skills
techno babble and geek speak

stop complaining about slow computers
other people need simple things

build for people who are around us
excellence through repetition
learn things through failing

there is too much to do
mobile histeria

request features for browsers!

web obesity
optimize your config
speed up your products


stay low and make great products for people
do what makes you happy

inspirational talk, lots of good points to endorse
stop complaining and do your best for the users, now
essentially it doesn't matter whether you use Grunt > SASS > CSS or just CSS
result is the king

Zoe Gillenwater - Enhancing responsiveness with flexbox

flexbox solves many problems with layout
global support 92% / 72% unprefixed

use FB as progressive enhancement
don't use in a way it makes things look like crap

FB can make site more responsive

  • better use of space
  • reorder content due to screen sizes

modernizr use as needed
via classes .flexbox, .no-flexbox etc.

margin: auto behavior
uses all extra space to fill


display: table
display: flex

float: left
position: relative
display: flex

media queries with flexbox to enhance UI

use "order" property to control content

only works for siblings

solution for screen readers
to control the right HTML order

mobile only reordering:

	display: flex
	flex-direction: column
	order: -1

using flexbox today

  • choose browsers to support
  • skip '09 syntax
  • setup tools with autoprefixing
  • use modernizr
  • choos right layout

flexbox overrides

  • floats
  • table-cell
  • inline-block


  • absolute positioning

tech / tutorial presentation
great points of FlexBox' best parts and practicies
stick with slides for more accurate code

Lorna Mitchell - Debugging HTTP

extensive experiene working with http

debugging stages

  • denial
  • frustration
  • disbelief
  • testing (curious)
  • gotcha

seeing the problem is usually harder than finding one

developer tools
broken search response

  • headers > query
  • copy as curl - everything what browser send
  • change the query manually

curl cheat sheet

-X - the verb
-H - header to send
-d body data
-s silent switch
-c / -b where to store cookies and storage
-v show headers for req/res

postman -
RESTclient - restclient
Paw for Mac - Paw - expose local websites to the wider web

cool for device testing

web interface (port 4040)
inspect resources and requests ($50 with trial period)

multi-platform web debugging platform

  • use for debugging
  • throttling
  • use for proxying and develop on devices
  • rewrite tool for response
  • debug SSL

fiddler is charles free equivalent

nice tech / observation talk
definitely will use ngrock in the nearest future also, don't give up to broken http request, it happens

Paul Lewis - Making a silky smooth web

works at Chrome

page load is king

JS is 5MB gzipped

perfomance is alot more
service workers again - speed load from cold state

  • recalculate style (matching things)
  • render tree
  • layout (do the boxes with widths and heights)
  • painting
  • compositing (trigger repainting)

composite layers for faster perf

JS - Style - Compositing
is the lightest sequence
perfect for animations


  • badly timed scripts

  • use RAF

  • in case of lonng script use workers

  • workers don't have DOM access

  • use virtual DOM

  • garbagy scripts

JS Memory Masterclass from Addy Osmani

  • use JS profiler checkbox in chrome tools


  • did i limit the scope
  • are the selectors fast


  • Read then Write for the best perfomance

    var w = el.offsetWidth - cache the var el.width = w;


the most painful, cause triggered by all operations
use paint profiler to see how elements actually painted

can i reduce paint area?

  • will-change: transform - modern way
  • transform: translateZ(0) - retro stuff

will-change has a pixel budget
don't overpass it


element needs to be on its own composition layer
pay attention to the layers system
use profiler

touch and input scroll perf


response    100ms
Animation    10ms
Idle         50ms - time to use the workers
Load       1000ms

Perfomance is not a unit test
Prioritize the user needs

cool tech presentation!
describes in details the pages loading process
and how to debug it for optimum perfomance
stick with page loading time, introduce the budget if needed

Polle de Maagt - Crafting for World domination


how could we use small changes to achieve something big
like writing Thank you on bills results in 27% more tips for the bar host

KLM surprise campaign
28 passengers - 1000000 reactions - 88 countries spread

another campaign
use trained dog for retrieving lost stuff on the plane
check operatively after flight
view social media about people and find them
(dog is a lie, though)
in the past just 2 people part time browsing tweets
70 people full-time now

implemented timer with average response time on social media

integrated payment method via social networking
weekly income of 80000 euros with 3500 investment

inspirational talk / succes story
work with users' and customers' social profiles to get the most of your campaign
can't forget the "dog frustration moment" :(

Rachel Simpson - User research for Designers and Engineers

UX specialist at Google

what we will build?

research for Swiffer
how people wash floors
18 homes involved
conceptual product + user research = great product

stakeholders don't get the value of research
talking to users is scary

why do?

  • new opportunitites
  • build the right thing
  • fail early and often

UR is way of understanding people needs Discover - Ideate - Design and Iterate - Evaluate - repeat


  • doing better than asking
  • don't interpret just observe
  • ask open ended questions
  • be Dr. Freud


  • sell ur product
  • tell them HOW to use it
  • make them say if they like it

Early-stage methods


  • review all others researches
  • card sorting
  • cultural probes
  • co-design

Prototyping tools

pop app
great to test app ideas

harder to get feedback

Cognitive walkthrough
Users think:

  • what is this
  • do i trust you
  • what u offering
  • how do i get it

The scrollwheel

User testing recommended book by Steve Krug
Rocket surgery made easy

  • include others in the study
  • document visually
  • write a report and present it!!!

pretty detailed guiding presenation
guess no one left with the idea of UR non-sense
should try theese apps for prototyping

Jake Archibald - UX of Offline First

Performance matters!

again - webpagetest

does it make what it takes to load? debugging

splash screen is an admission for failure

  • add come content
  • unblock scripts

get js out of rendering path

  • lie to the users for perfomance point

unblock fonts

load script separately if they 20-30k and do different things

optimising for a full cache

sometimes this happen:

  • start css js load
  • css js loaded
  • execute cs / js
  • rendered markup content

append link child and script child via RAF

	['css1', 'css2'].each(...)

treat the network as an enhancement

"Lie-Fi" limbo in poor wi-fi connection

if('serviceWorker' in navigator){

browser events
.install -->
.fetch --> respond with matched cache

page loads almost instantly

unobtrusive updates - add another version of app into queue

dynamic updates
going in background to the internet and put the version in the cache



great techspirational presentation
I wish more of such talks at the conference(s)
re-think your apps - in the matter of Offline-first
does it work fast? does it even work?
harness loadCSS, service workers and RAF for what suites ur needs most

Thank you for reading! Any feedback much appreciated.
21.03.2015 |


Smashing Conference in Oxford notes






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