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How to make high quality gif with full (true) color

Xintao edited this page Sep 1, 2018 · 1 revision

We usually use GIF (wiki) for animations to show the subtle image difference. It allows a single image to reference its own palette of up to 256 different colors chosen from the 24-bit RGB color space, resulting in color display issues.

However, it is possible for true color images. A GIF image can include multiple image blocks, each of which can have its own 256-color palette, and the blocks can be tiled to create a complete image.


gifski is a GIF encoder written by Kornel Lesiński, using the above technique. It produces animations with about 1000-3000 colors per frame.

Intall in Ubuntu

source codes

  1. install Rust - curl -sSf | sh. The cargo bin is in ~/.cargo/bin.
  2. Clone gifski repo
  3. In the cloned directory, run ~/.cargo/bin/cargo build --release. The final bin file is in xxx/gifski/target/release/gifski.


  • help: ./gifski -h
  • command example: ./gifski -o output_name.gif --fps 3 --quality 100 input/*.png

Other sources

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