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1.2.0 (2019-03-19)

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@intelliot intelliot released this 19 Mar 08:31

1.2.0 (2019-03-19)

This release:

  • changes the way you handle errors for the prepare* methods.
  • improves the message field of RippledErrors.
  • allows Sequence to be set in the transaction JSON provided to

For details, continue reading:

[BREAKING CHANGE] prepare* methods reject the Promise on error

The prepare* methods now always reject the Promise when an error occurs, instead of throwing.

Previously, the methods would synchronously throw on validation errors, despite being asynchronous methods that return Promises.

In other words, to handle errors in the past, you would need to use a try/catch block:

// OBSOLETE - no need for try/catch anymore
try {
  api.preparePayment(address, payment, instructions).then(prepared => {
  }).catch(error => {
    // Handle asynchronous error
} catch (error) {
    // Handle synchronous error

Now, you can rely on the Promise's catch handler, which is called with the error when the Promise is rejected:

api.preparePayment(address, payment, instructions).then(prepared => {
}).catch(error => {
  // Handle error

This applies to:

  • preparePayment
  • prepareTrustline
  • prepareOrder
  • prepareOrderCancellation
  • prepareSettings
  • prepareEscrowCreation
  • prepareEscrowExecution
  • prepareCheckCreate
  • prepareCheckCash
  • prepareCheckCancel
  • preparePaymentChannelCreate
  • preparePaymentChannelClaim
  • preparePaymentChannelFund

Improved RippledError message

Previously, RippledErrors (errors from rippled) used rippled's error field as the message.

Now, the error_message field is used as the message.

This helps to surface the specific cause of an error.

For example, before:

[RippledError(invalidParams, { error: 'invalidParams',
  error_code: 31,
  error_message: 'Missing field \'account\'.',
  id: 3,
  request: { command: 'account_info', id: 3 },
  status: 'error',
  type: 'response' })]


[RippledError(Missing field 'account'., { error: 'invalidParams',
  error_code: 31,
  error_message: 'Missing field \'account\'.',
  id: 3,
  request: { command: 'account_info', id: 3 },
  status: 'error',
  type: 'response' })]

In this case, you can see at a glance that account is the missing field.

The error field is still available in

When error_message is not set (as with e.g. error 'entryNotFound'), the error field is used as the message.

[BUG FIX] prepareTransaction does not overwrite the Sequence field

The prepareTransaction method now allows Sequence to be set in the Transaction JSON object, instead of overwriting it with the account's expected sequence based on the state of the ledger.

Previously, you had to use the sequence field in the instructions object to manually set a transaction's sequence number.

New in rippled 1.2.1

As this is the first release of ripple-lib following the release of rippled 1.2.1, we would like to highlight the following API improvements:

  1. The delivered_amount field has been added to the ledger method, and to transaction subscriptions.

     api.getLedger({includeTransactions: true, includeAllData: true, ledgerVersion: 17718771}).then(...)

    You can also call ledger directly:

     request('ledger', {...}).then(...)
  2. Support for Ed25519 seeds encoded using ripple-lib

You have access to these improvements when you use a rippled server running version 1.2.1 or later. At the time of writing, we recommend using rippled version 1.2.2 or later.