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Ch3.1: Gamer user guide ‐‐ Sortie

XVs32 edited this page Feb 15, 2024 · 4 revisions

Congrats, it seems like you have successfully setup the CUI panel.
Guide in Ch3 will walk you through the advance settings you can play with kcauto_custom.

Sortie mode: Auto

In short, Sortie mode: Auto could finish daily, weekly and monthly quests fully automated

It brings you a highly automated experience:

  1. kcauto-custom picks an available quest for you
  2. It loads the preset you defined in the config file
  3. It sorties to the map which requested from the quest


On the other hand, the setup is a bit more complicated, you will have to tell kcauto-custom a few things

  1. Fleet preset: What ship combo you want to use in a map (ex. In 1-5, I would want 4DEs)
  2. Ship pool: What ship to use (ex. You need 4 DEs, so which DEs in your port?)
  3. Quest pool: What quest you want to do

With that said, let's begin~


Since kcauto-custom has to track the progress of a quest, KC3 is needed for Sortie mode: Auto to work.

By the way, KC3 is an awesome plug-in, highly recommend installing it if you haven't done so.

For old user: The DMM logo is not a must for kcauto_custom anymore, you can now apply your own css code again

Config setup

There are three files you will need to setup in this tutorial, they are all locate in configs/template folder:

  1. fleet_preset_first_try.json
  2. ship_pool_first_try.json
  3. advance-2-1.json

Let's start with fleet_preset_first_try.json
Well it's kinda simple

                         The #1 ship          The SECOND CVL in your config, we will talk about it later 
                              |                            |
                              V                            V
	"2-1":	[{"type":"CVL","id":0}, {"type":"CVL","id":1}, {"type":"CLT","id":0}, {"type":"DD","id":0}, {"type":"DD","id":1}, {"type":"DD","id":2}],
	  ^                                       ^
	  |                                       |
The map for this preset              It is a small aircraft carrier

That's it, not difficult but it is tedious when you have to set this up for every map, the good news is you could put it right once and for all.
Let's focus on map 2-1 for now.

Next one is ship_pool_first_try.json
You will need to tell kcauto which ship you want to send,
the id is unique for every single ship so you will have to find it out yourself.
Remember KC3? The plug-in could show you the id like this:

So the id of this inazuma is 4
Now we could fill in the ship_pool_first_try.json

          The id of your ship, This ship will be the {"type":"DD","id":0} in fleet_preset_first_try.json
	"DD":   [ 4, 1111, 1111],
	"DD_NAME":["inazuma","時雨 改二","夕立"],
              The name of your ship
	      It does NOT affect kcauto so whatever name you like

There you go, fill in the rest in ship_pool_first_try.json then take a look in advance-2-1.json
There is nothing you will need to change in this file:

	"combat.enabled":	true,
	"combat.sortie_map":	"2-1",        #The map we are going to
	"combat.fleet_mode":	"standard",
	"combat.fleet_presets":	["auto"],     #The fleet preset we use

Now, rename fleet_preset_first_try.json => fleet_preset.json
and ship_pool_first_try.json => ship_pool.json.
Replace the ship_pool.json and fleet_preset.json in configs (If there is any, DO NOT forget to backup)
then run python kcauto --cli --cfg template/advance-2-1

kcauto-custom should now load the ships you defined and go for 2-1!

Sortie mode: Auto -- quest handling

Now we have told kcauto-custom what ship to use, but how do kcauto-custom pick a map and finish quests for me?

Long story short: Use "combat.sortie_map": "auto" in your config file, that's it!

Long story long:
There are 3 files that would affect the behavior of quest & map picking (usually you don't have to edit them):

  1. Your config file
  2. data/quest/quest.json
  3. data/quest/quest_priority.json

Let's take a look into the config file first:

	"quest.enabled":	true,       #Enable the quest module
	"quest.quests":	["Bd1", "Bd2", "Bd3", "Bd4", "Bd5", "Bd6", "Bd7", "Bd8", "Bw1", "Bw2", "Bw3", "Bw4", "Bw5", "Bw7", "Bw8", "Bw9", "Bw10", "Bm2", "Bm3", "Bm4", "Bm5", "Bm6", "Bm8", "Bq1", "Bq3", "Bq4", "Bq8", "Bq9", "Bq10", "Bq11", "Bq12", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C8", "C16", "C29", "D2", "D3", "D4", "D9", "D11", "D22", "D24", "E3", "E4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8"]
	# The quests that kcauto-custom will attempt to finish

kcauto-custom will only handle the quests mentioned in quest.quests.

Next one is data/quest/quest.json, this file contains the details of a quest. Again, usually you wouldn't want to edit it.

  "Bd1": {                         #The quest name
    "id": 201,                     #The quest ID
    "type": "daily",               #The quest type
    "intervals": [1, 0, 0],        #Intervals between kcauto-custom checking if the quest is finished, with the order as [sortie, pvp, expedition]
    "recommended_map": ["1-1"]     #The map which kcauto-custom will sortie to if no info could gather from KC3

The last one is data/quest/quest_priority.json, it defines what quest kcauto-costom will prioritizes when user is in Sortie mode: Auto

  "daily":      ["Bd5","Bd4","Bd6","Bd8"],
  "weekly":     ["Bw2","Bw5",...,"Bw10"],
  "monthly":    ["Bm1","Bm2",...,"Bm7","Bm8"],
  "quarterly":  ["Bq1","Bq2",...,"Bq12","Bq13"],
  "yearly":     ["By1","By2",...,"By12","By13"],
  "low_priority":    ["Bw1","Bw3",...,"Bd2","Bd3"]

The priority here is daily > weekly > monthly > quarterly > yearly > low_priority

Finally, let's take a look into data/config/fleet_preset.json, this file shows you some ideas of fleet presets in different maps.

	"2-5-Bm1":	[{"type":"BBV","id":0}, {"type":"Myoko","id":0}, {"type":"Nachi","id":0}, {"type":"Haguro","id":0}, {"type":"CAV","id":0}, {"type":"CAV","id":1}],
	"1-4-Bm3":	[{"type":"CL","id":0}, {"type":"CL","id":1}, {"type":"DD","id":0}, {"type":"DD","id":1}, {"type":"DD","id":2}, {"type":"DD","id":3}],

The Bm1 and Bm3 here means the preset is specially made for the quest, that way when kcauto go for Bm1, it would pick the preset in 2-5-Bm1 first, instead of the normal 2-5 preset.

Use Sortie mode: Auto in kcauto_cui

After you setup all the configs needed for Sortie mode: Auto,
you can use this from kcauto_cui


Map specified Sortie setting (combat.override)

In most cases, we sortie with the same general logic.
Though in some others maps, we do need to:

  • select node (ex. In 5-3, we select node K to node O)
  • setup lbas (ex. In 6-4, 6-5, 7-4 etc.)
  • etc.

Issue is those settings are not gonna work for other maps, and the map specified setting is here to help.

What if I don't need this?

Set combat.override in your config to true.
Your kcauto works the same as before.

There are 3 levels of Sortie settings:

  1. User config(Your normal config)
  2. Default data/config/combat/default.json (Default sortie config for general map)
  3. Map specified setting ( config made for specific map)

The priority here is Map specified > Default > User config
And you can define enabled, fleet_presets and sortie_map from User config ONLY(show as STATIC in the following pic). image

Feel free to edit or add configs under data/config/combat.
As long as combat.override in your own config is set to false, kcauto will read the corresponding setting automatically.

Multi stages map in Sortie mode: Auto

For maps like 7-2, 7-3 and 7-5(Note that gimmick handling for 7-5 is a work in progress)
kcauto_custom can now detect the current stage and load the corresponding fleet preset.
Let's take a look at the default fleet_preset in data/config/fleet_preset.json

	"7-2-G":[{"type":"DE","id":0}, {"type":"DE","id":1}, {"type":"DE","id":2}, {"type":"CVL","id":0}, {"type":"CVL","id":1}],
	"7-2-M":[{"type":"CV","id":0}, {"type":"FBB","id":0}, {"type":"CVL","id":0}, {"type":"CAV","id":0}, {"type":"DD_FS","id":0}, {"type":"DD_FS","id":1}],
	"7-5-Q":[{"type":"BBV","id":0}, {"type":"CA_G","id":0}, {"type":"CL","id":0}, {"type":"DD_G","id":0}, {"type":"DD_G","id":1}, {"type":"DD","id":0}],
	"7-5-T":[{"type":"CLT","id":0}, {"type":"CA_F","id":0}, {"type":"FBB","id":0}, {"type":"CL","id":0}, {"type":"DD","id":0}, {"type":"DD","id":1}],

You can define your fleet preset for 7-2-G and 7-2-M, respectively.
Kcauto will detect if the boss in 7-2-G is defeated or not, in order to load the correct preset for combat.