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Jeremiah Osborne edited this page Oct 27, 2023 · 7 revisions

Below, each command that currently exists in the plugin is identified one by one:

User Commands

Command Description
/warps opens the warp list menu.
/warps help [page] Opens a help page or the main page if the page is not defined.
/warps [name] Attempts to teleport to the entered warp.
/warps create [name] Attempts to create a warp with the entered name.
/warps delete [name] Attempts to delete a warp with the entered name.
/warps assistants [warp] Displays a list of all current assistants attached to the defined warp.
/warps list [warp] Displays a list of all current whitelisted/blacklisted players attached to the defined warp.
/tpa [player] Sends a request to teleport to the entered player.
/tpaccept [player] Accepts the found teleport request and teleports the requester to the acceptor.
/tpdeny [player] Denies the found teleport request.
/tpaccept Accepts the first found teleport request and teleports the requester to the acceptor.
/tpdeny Denies the first found teleport request.
/tptoggle Toggles teleportation such as TPA requests and forceful teleportation commands.
/back Attempts to teleport to the last teleport location.
/tpahere [player] Sends a request for the player to teleport to you.
/rtp Begins the random teleportation process.
/rtp [world] Begins the random teleportation process. [Requires the "" permission]
/spawn teleports to the normal spawn, if it exists.

Admin Commands

Command Description
/hyperdrive help [page] Opens a help page or the main page, if the page is not defined.
/hyperdrive reload Re-loads all packets, tasks, warps, and configurations.
/hyperdrive info Displays information about the current build of the plugin.
/hyperdrive updateip [initial-ip] [new-ip] Sets all IP Addresses of warps with the initial server IP to the new IP Address, Use 'current' for current server IP
/tp [player] Teleports the sender to the entered player.
/tp [player1] [player2] Teleports player 1 to player 2.
/tpo [player] Teleports to the player unnoticed and overriding teleport toggle.
/tpohere [player] Teleports the player to the sender's location unnoticed and overriding teleport toggle.
/tphere [player] Teleports the player to the sender's location.
/tppos [x] [y] [z] [world] Teleports the sender to the defined coordinates in the defined world.
/tppos [player] [x] [y] [z] [world] Teleports the entered player to the defined coordinates in the defined world.
/tppos [x] [y] [z] The sender will be teleported to the defined coordinates in the current world.
/back [player] Attempts to teleport the entered player to their last teleport location.
/spawn [set/setfirstjoin/clear] Sets the first join spawn, normal spawn, or clears both spawns based on the entered argument.
/crossserver [player] [server] [world] [x] [y] [z] Attempts to teleport the defined player to the server at the defined coordinates.
/crossserver [player] [server] [world] [x] [y] [z] [yaw] [pitch] attempts to teleport the defined player to the server at the defined coordinates.
/warps visits add [warp] [amount] Adds the defined amount to the warp's total visit count.
/warps visits remove [warp] [amount] Removes the defined amount from the warp's total visit count.
/warps visits set [warp] [amount] Sets the defined amount as the warp's total visit count.
/warps clear [world] Deletes all warps from the defined world.
/warps resetlikes [warp] Resets all likes/dislikes of a warp (all warps, if [warp] is undefined).


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