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This is a collection of Spark jobs that implement the document pipeline. The rules use Cassandra, Kafka streams and MongoDB as sources of information. Rule output is written to several different Kafka topics.

Executing jobs

There are a few scripts in the project that help execute Spark jobs against a Kubernetes or local Spark master. These scripts take care of specifying the dependent JARs required by the jobs. These scripts read from configuration files (just bash files that are sourced into the executing script) that provide additional configuration per job and per deployment target. Each of the scripts merely takes the name of the job to run:

# execute locally and show the log
$ ./ <name>

# deploy to Kubernetes Spark master
$ ./ <name>

Available jobs

  • ApplicableRules: Runs a job that receives JSON input from Kafka that includes a reference to a document and a rule id. If this job determines that the rule is applicable to the document, it pushes the input data to the next queue in the pipeline.

  • ValidateApplicableRules: Same as ApplicableRules expect that it the Kafka topics that the CLI uses for validation.

  • EffectiveRules: Runs a job that receives JSON input from Kafka that includes a reference to a document. The job determines all of the rules that are effective for the document using the meta-data stored in Cassandra. The document reference and rule id are pushed to a Kafka topic that is subscribed to by the ApplicableRules job.

  • ValidateEffectiveRules: Same as EffectiveRules expect that it the Kafka topics that the CLI uses for validation.


Interlibr uses Spark to handle compute-intensive tasks. All of our Spark jobs are kept in this project.







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