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Simple Sinatra based status page for the Raspberry Pi.


A super simple sinatra application that serves a single page with a swanky background and a few nice tidbits of information.

Information displayed:

  • Uptime
  • Users online
  • External IP
  • CPU usage and temperature
  • RAM used/free/total
  • SWAP used/free/total
  • Used/free/total of rootfs


This is known to work in both Raspbian and Raspbmc. Note that it probably won't work on anything other than a Raspberry Pi.

CPU usage requires sysstat:

$ sudo apt-get install sysstat

Install Ruby, I'm partial to RVM:

$ \curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby

Install Sinatra:

$ gem install sinatra

Configure your server in server.rb and launch, you will need to run it as root (rvmsudo) if you're using a port less than 1024:

$ ruby server.rb

You're done!


There are many other web based system monitors for the Pi out there already, most not requiring anything as heavy as Ruby (see Ground Control). I only decided to go with Sinatra because I'm already using RoR on my Pi to host a few other personal projects, and I much more familiar with Ruby. This could be useful for anyone who's already got a Ruby environment on their Pi, but if you don't you'd probably be better off looking elsewhere. As this is a personal project, I don't suspect anyone will be contributing, but if you'd like to just shoot me a pull request.

License: MIT


Sinatra based landing page for my Raspberry Pi






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