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Dan Siegel edited this page Apr 7, 2021 · 2 revisions

Xappium is broken up into 3 primary areas:

  1. Xappium.UITest is provided as an X-Plat abstraction layer designed to make UI Testing easier by abstracting away the complexities of which platform you're running UI Tests on while trying to expose as much accessibility to the native test layer as possible in an abstract way.

  2. Xappium.Cli is provided purely as a helper. The goal of the Cli is to reduce the burden of trying to figure out what you need to do to get your tests to run. The Cli is responsible for building both the UI Test project and App project, ensuring that any dependencies (such as Appium are installed and ready), and finally it will invoke dotnet test on the compiled UI Tests generating a trx file that you can then publish in CI. As a helper, the Cli should simplify your testing, but is not a hard requirement for running tests with Xappium.UITest.

  3. Test Frameworks - Which test framework to use is often a matter of personal preference, and Xappium.UITest is built with a strong desire to make testing easier while not locking you into any specific Test Framework. The project does however provide helpers for both MSTest, NUnit, & xunit. The helpers provide a simple to use base test class. This test class handles everything you need to ensure that your tests do not run in parallel and properly start / stop the app before each test.

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