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A discord user automation tool


  1. If you don't have node.js installed, make sure to download it here
  2. Run install.bat
  3. Wait for everything to install
  4. Then you are done installing the required packages!


Before you do anything, make sure you rename config-example.json to config.json

Next, get your discord token and paste it into config.json

So far, your config file should look like this

  "token": "account-token-here",
  "password": "account-password-here",
  "afk_message": "afk-message-here",
  "nitro_sniper": false,
  "credit": false,
  "giveaway_sniper": false,
  "whitelisted": [],
  "prefix": "prefix-here",
  "messageLogs": false,
  "id": "account-id-here",
  "webhookURL": "webhook-url-here",
  "embedOptions": {
    "enabled": true,
    "color": "",
    "image": "",
    "footer": ""

You should enter in a password, just so then the account management commands will work

You should choose a desired prefix for the commands so then the commands won't run if you sent ping for an example. [ NOTE: The prefix must not include any spaces or the commands will not register properly ]

For the afk_message, you can type one if you want to. It's just the message the bot will send when afk mode is on

For the nitro_sniper that is optional, but you can have it on so then you can snipe discord nitro and so the bot can instanly redeem it for you

For the credit, you can have that on if you want to, all that does is set your status to the discord server invite for the Xeno official discord server

For the giveaway_sniper that is optional, but you can have it on so then you can snipe giveaways that you have one

For the whitelisted part, that is optional, you can put your own id in there so then you can use the selfbot commands

For the id part, you need to paste in your selfbot account id in there, just so if you have whitelisted users, the selfbot account can use the commands

For the webhook_url, that is optional. The webhook is just used for spamming @everyone in your discord server. Just to annoy people 😉

For the embedOptions. You can play around with the options to customise the way embeds are sent into discord. (embed options are optional to play around with)

For the messageLogs, that is optional to have on or off, the message logs will just log any message a user sends

Run the bot

To simply run the bot, just run launch.bat. The bot should be working fine as long as you don't muck up the code.

Xeno ToS

  1. You MUST NOT claim the code as your own code
  2. You MUST NOT claim owner ship of the bot

Xeno Risks

Beware that your account is
at risk when using this bot.
I am not responsible for any
actions taken when using this bot.


A discord user automation tool






No releases published
