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Configuring UDIMAS

Johannes Vääräkangas edited this page Oct 28, 2017 · 2 revisions

There are a few ways you can configure and customize UDIMAS for your own use.

Command line arguments

You can override specific settings of UDIMAS by setting command line arguments when executing it from the CLI. The arguments can be in format specified in the next table. Note that these arguments are case-insensitive and will be ignored if not passed correctly.

--parameter="value 2"
Parameter Info Example
PluginDir Specifies additional plugin directory to load.
Prefix ~ is interpreted as the UDIMAS directory
PluginIgnore Specifies plugin files that are ignored when loading.
Use * to load no plugins
NoInterpreter Do not start CLI when finished booting. Effectively disables all user input --NoInterpreter
LogLevel Override log level specified in log.config. Possible values are ALL, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL and OFF --LogLevel=ERROR


This file can be used to configure the logging behavior of UDIMAS. There are a lot of options here and changing the wrong things will break the logging system (log4net), so please don't change things that you dont know about or aren't commented to be changable.

Please see the comments on the file for more information.


This file can be used to modify settings inside UDIMAS and its plugins. These values can be also viewed and edited on UDIMAS itself with the settings command.

The file is in json format. If the file is modified incorrectly, the whole file will be rewritten and all settings are lost. It is suggested to modify the settings from inside UDIMAS and not manually.

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