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Releases: XenonA7/xenons-triblader-mod


15 Jul 02:30
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1.2.3 (07/14/2024)


  • Updated XTM dev room combat music settings
  • Added effect spikeAuraNPC
  • Removed the following maps (now part of Hexacast mod):
    • \maps\xtm\bonus\art-testing.json
    • \maps\xtm\bonus\art-testing.-ALjson
    • \maps\xtm\bonus\art-testing-unused.json
    • \maps\xtm\bonus\green-screen-room.json
  • Deleted "art-testing" and "green-screen-room" teleporters from dev room


26 Jun 15:53
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1.2.2 (06/26/2024)


  • Moved WIP maps to Hexacast mod
  • Added particle pLight source to Triblader charged ball trails
  • Updated charged ball light settings to Hexacast standard
  • Added light sources to standard melee attack effects


18 Jun 08:02
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1.2.1 (06/18/2024)


  • Added Menu UI Replacer to install instructions


18 Jun 07:54
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1.2.0 (06/18/2024)


New Content

  • New menu sprites when playing as Triblader2/3/4/5
    • Original artwork by Orco Pixelado
    • Thanks to Bakafish for library mod support
  • Added unfinished map file


  • Orco Pixelado added to mod credits
  • Hue adjustments to Triblader4 portraits
  • Updated Triblader4 sprite hue to be more consistent with portraits


06 Jun 14:35
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1.1.1 (06/06/2024)


  • Blazing Mirage and So'najiz Phalanx clones no longer draw enemy aggro


  • Fixed Spectral Legion clones able to consume SP


29 May 07:33
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1.1.0 (05/29/2024)

New Content

  • Added green screen map to XTM dev room


  • Triblader5 DASH_SLOW action is now also steerable
  • Added light source to effect waveTriangleTrail (used in Soul Shatter)


14 May 00:35
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1.0.3 (05/13/2024)

New Content

  • Added additional font icons needed for Hexacast mod custom skills


06 May 01:57
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1.0.2 (05/05/2024)

New Content

  • Added font icons needed for custom skills in Hexacast mod
  • Added Lubkuluk to XTM credits for Hexacast KeyPanel code contribution
  • Added teleporter to AL dev room from XTM dev room (only works if AL is installed)
  • Added map art-testing-AL.json, not implemented by default


  • Moved the hologram sign slightly in the art-testing map
  • Removed the sword icon from the mod's name entry
  • Deleted unnecessary proxy groupings "solarEruptionParts" and "solarEruptionGroup"
  • Vermillion Firestorm effect laserSrc changed to laserSrcMega


  • Fixed pvp opponents not charging before using Solar Eruption
  • Removed all broken animation references to "attackMirrEnd"
  • Fixed Spectral Legion clones shooting wrong proxy types occasionally


17 Mar 03:52
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1.0.1 (03/16/2024)


  • Magnet Storm now resets camera during final strike
  • Magnet Storm added sound effect when final strike hits
  • Re-worded the description for Magnet Storm


  • Blizzard Slash fixed missing HEAVY hit stability


  • Changes to both player and enemy:
    • Icicle Slash reverted to old punch-style hitbox
    • Icicle Slash hit stability decreased from MASSIVE to HEAVY
    • Blizzard Slash first swing reverted to old punch-style hitbox
    • Blizzard Slash second swing increased hitbox radius from 72 to 88


17 Mar 01:59
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1.0.0 (03/16/2024)

New Content

  • New character: Triblader Lea (sprites by HeartLychee)
    • No special modifiers. Custom Daybreak, Wave charge shot, Sunfury particle sprites by HeartLychee)
  • New Triblader2/3/4/5 block pushing animations by HeartLychee)
  • Magnet Storm completely reworked
  • Added proper PVP enemy death handling in training maps and arena maps for duels with multiple opponents
  • Added NPCs to dev room to demonstrate whether or not you have other mods installed (logic steps)
  • Added new art-testing map to dev room
  • Added effect critical to new PVP death logic: teleport.showFastScale
  • Added \assets\data\effects\teleport.json.patch


  • Removed the "beta" map; You now proceed straight to the Rhombus Dungeon after choosing a character
  • PVP enemy healthbars are more compact now, they now overlap to save space (only applies when dueling multiple opponents)
  • Reformatted headIdx.json.patch for extendable-severed-heads 1.1.0
  • Removed unused "pvp-lukas-old" and "pvp-schneiders" arena maps
  • Added Triblader Lea character option to all XTM character change signs: XTM Dev Room, Rookie Harbor Info Hub, Rhombus Arena Lobby.
  • Removed all instances of "plot.xtm.character", which is obsolete with AlyBox
  • Removed "characterInitOnce" EventTrigger from arena lobby patch, which is obsolete with AlyBox
  • Removed "plot.xtm.swapBack" functionality from arena maps
  • Renamed custom-party-members.js to custom-party-options.js
  • Updated HeartLychee credits preferences
  • Changed BGM setting in "Blade Rink" arena match
  • Updated all "XTM Credits" signs
  • Removed unused "Triblader Prime" arena round
  • Standardized BGM options in training-1v1, training-2v2, and training island maps
  • Renamed enemy entities in training island map to XTM standard
  • Reformatted the character change sign in the Rookie Harbor info hub to align with all other XTM signs
  • Reduced particle count on Icicle Tomb to improve performance
  • Dev room changes
    • Dev room teleporters now have spawn conditions, used for the mod crossover tests
    • Removed the hedgehags from the dev room
  • Added combat dialogue support to apollo-4 and shizuka nozoom enemy variants (used for "Ultimate PVP" map)
  • Player walks to starting position when starting the duel on Training Island, instead of running
  • Re-worded description for Ice Flak
  • Re-worded description for Tower of Tranquility
  • Minor graphical tweak to Tower of Tranquility proxy sprites
  • Beekeeper: bees now constantly look for the nearest target rather than always chase their original target
  • Scorching Rays red screen flash is now less intense
  • Added shaking effect right before thawing for Ice Brace, Stasis Stance, and Tower of Tranquility
  • All BLUE_SPARKLE particles now have angleVary for all effects that use them
  • Player now travels farther during Polar Geyser final slash
  • Renamed effect megaTankAuraAltNoCircle to blizzardSlashSnowflakes
  • Snowstorm post-attack wait increased from 0.4 seconds to 0.6 seconds
  • Avalanche Assault and Frozen Rays initial screen flash is now less intense
  • Proxy fireDaggerStuck changed from breakType NEVER to COMBATANT
  • Greatly reduced zoom blur effect for Fire Saw
  • Moved effects related to proxy ms_main into file ball-shock-xtm.json
  • Effect shockLaserSource now moves with target
  • Improved effects for the following arts:
    • Scorching Rays
    • Tower of Tranquility (landing effect)
    • Polar Geyser
    • Blizzard Slash
    • Snowstorm
    • Avalanche Assault
    • Calamity's Advent
    • Frigid Hurricane
    • Vermillion Firestorm
    • Magnet Storm
    • Sleet Singularity


  • Fixed "Wet Work" quests for all Triblader characters by adding the "STANDARD" hint property
  • Fixed a crash related to gynthar-heat.png (by including gynthar-heat-copy.png in the mod files)
  • Fixed PVP enemies headIdx conflict with other mods (thanks to extendable-severed-heads 1.1.0)
  • Added a NPBLOCK wall to fix an out-of-bounds JDAC exploit in xtm/char-select/outdoors
  • Fixed wrong internal map name for xtm/char-select/outdoors
  • Fixed all PVP maps "Match Point" AR_MSG text
  • Retrofitted all pvp maps with new logic to handle deaths; no more defeated enemies sitting around
  • Fixed ice sliding during cutscene after duel in "Blade Rink" arena map
  • Fixed incorrect loop timing in BGM triangle-prep.ogg
  • Fixed a code typo in Wild Gambit
  • Fixed Wave Mortar "status" description property
  • Fixed proxy waveMortar breakType (changed from NEVER to COMBATANT)
  • Fixed proxy vitalityCurseDrain breakType (changed from NEVER to COMBATANT)
  • Effect "stasisEffects" is now centered properly for Stasis Stance and Tower of Tranquility
  • Fixed incorrect melee hitbox on Icicle Slash
  • Fixed incorrect melee hitbox on first slash of Blizzard Slash
  • Fixed looping sound in effect hurricane1 lingering too long
  • Fixed proxy lightningRodBolt stun lock release
  • Alternating Charge now ignores ice physics
  • Fixed an issue where the beam sound effect from Triforce Slash could get interrupted
  • Level adjustment switches in training-1v1 and training-2v2 maps now properly hide during duel
  • Fixed a softlock in the outdoor area from the mod intro maps caused by reloading during the puzzle
  • Fixed player able to be pushed around during Triforce Slash
  • Fixed Celestial Constellation status description
  • Fixed Celestial Constellation proxies not being DETACH_TIME_PARENT


  • Changes to PVP enemies only:
    • Enemy First Fractal damage slightly nerfed
    • Enemy Prismatic Meltdown laser chase speed greatly nerfed
    • Enemy Prismatic Meltdown laser lasts 0.5s longer
    • Enemy Frigid Hurricane internal pull force buffed from EASY_ESCAPE to RUN_ESCAPE
    • Enemy Frigid Hurricane added concentric pull force at WALK_ESCAPE strength
    • Enemy Vermillion Firestorm now has a suction effect to make it more difficult to escape
    • Enemy Celestial Constellation new projectiles have higher knockback than player version
    • Enemy Celestial Constellation new projectiles hit a single target, player versions are multiHit
  • Changes to player only:
    • Reworked Wave Mortar, it now auto-adjusts the proxy range for enemies in view
    • Wave mortar damage reduced
    • Wave mortar knockback reduced greatly
    • Magnet Storm completely reworked and redesigned
    • Scorching Rays proxy subPierce damage/status increased
    • Scorching Rays initial TACKLE damage increased
    • Scorching Rays looping stun damage increased
    • Tower of Tranquility now spawns icicles upon landing
    • Faraday Formation now stun locks enemies on first hit
    • Faraday Formation executes much faster overall, should be more viable
    • Blade of E'nel activation time reduced from 1.0 seconds to 0.5 seconds
    • Blade of E'nel duration increased from 6 seconds to 7 seconds
    • Shadow Spark proxies orbit duration reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds
    • Shadow Spark proxies attack velocity (after orbiting) increased from 300 to 400
    • Frost Rupture final explosion damage greatly increased, crit chance disabled
    • Frost Rupture status infliction increased
    • Kindling Triad now grants weight -1 during counter attack (player no longer affected by push/pull)
    • So'najiz Phalanx reduced delay on clones before shooting lasers
    • Sleet Singularity charge time decreased
  • Changes to both player and enemy:
    • Flash Freeze now grants the victim at 130% DEF multiplier while active
    • Icicle Tomb status factor increased greatly
    • Blizzard Slash icicleSmall startDistCollide changed from CLOSER to DROP (major nerf)
    • Blizzard Slash now shoots weaker hail variant that does not bounce
    • Blizzard Slash attack strength decreased from MASSIVE to HEAVY
    • Blizzard Slash melee hitbox radius for final slash slightly increased
    • Blizzard Slash melee damage increased
    • Icicle Slash attack strength decreased from MASSIVE to HEAVY
    • Icicle Slash melee damage slightly increased
    • Molten Daggers damage tick rate cut in half, overall damage slightly reduced
    • Molten Daggers status inflict slightly increased
    • Molten Daggers (specifically fireDaggerStuck) will despawn past a total of 12 active at a time
    • Ki Spin damage decreased
    • Vortex Thrust projectile damage reduced, final slash melee damage increased
    • Vortex Thrust can no longer crit on the final slash
    • Lightning Rod damage slightly increased
    • Thunder Wrath now terminates when running into a solid wall (this removes an exploit against bosses with solid collision)
    • Heavy Slash now grants HEAVY hit stability, making it harder to interrupt
    • Vitality Curse capped at 3 active at a time
    • Celestial Constellation now shoots bonus projectiles as it travels (major buff)
    • Celestial Constellation cc_main and cc_orbiter damage factor reduced