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Shimmer is a lightweight wrapper over Quartz.Net that simplifies making jobs


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Shimmer is a simple and lightweight abstarction over Quartz.NET that makes creating jobs and job trees clean and simple.


Shimmer is available as a NuGet package.

dotnet add package Xeretis.Shimmer

We also provide a package for ASP.NET Core to use shimmer with a Quartz hosted service.

dotnet add package Xeretis.Shimmer.AspNetCore


Creating simple jobs

Shimmer provides a base class ShimmerJob that you can inherit from to create your own jobs that require no data.

public class SampleJob : ShimmerJob
    protected override Task Process(IJobExecutionContext context)
        // Do something here

Creating jobs with data

Shimmer also provides a base class ShimmerJob<T> that you can inherit from to create your own jobs that require data.

public class SampleJobWithData : ShimmerJob<SampleData>
    protected override Task Process(SampleData data, IJobExecutionContext context)
        // Do something here

Registering jobs

There are two ways to register jobs with Shimmer. The first way is to register them manually.

services.AddShimmer(); // Adds both Quartz and Shimmer services 
services.AddShimmerJob<SampleJob>(ServiceLifetime.Singleton); // Registers SampleJob as a singleton (by default, jobs are registered as scoped)
services.AddShimmerJob<SampleJobWithData, SampleData>();

The second way is to register them automatically by scanning assemblies.

services.AddShimmer(); // Adds both Quartz and Shimmer services
services.DiscoverJobs(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); // Discovers jobs in the executing assembly and adds them to the service collection

Using Shimmer with ASP.NET Core

Shimmer provides an extension method for IServiceCollection that allows you to register Shimmer with the Quartz hosted service.


Using Jobs

Using independent jobs

If you only want to run or schedule a job that does not depend on any other jobs, you can use IShimmerJobFactory.CreateAsync.

public class SampleController : Controller
    private readonly IShimmerJobFactory _jobFactory;

    public SampleController(IShimmerJobFactory jobFactory)
        _jobFactory = jobFactory;

    public async Task<IActionResult> RunJob()
        // Create job
        var job = await _jobFactory.CreateAsync<SampleJob>();

        // Configure job
        job.Name("Sample Job")
           .Description("This is a sample job")
           .CronSchedule("0 0 12 * * ?");
        // Run job in the background
        await job.FireAsync();

        return Ok();

The same can be done with jobs that require data.

public class SampleController : Controller
    private readonly IShimmerJobFactory _jobFactory;

    public SampleController(IShimmerJobFactory jobFactory)
        _jobFactory = jobFactory;

    public async Task<IActionResult> RunJob()
        // Create job
        var job = await _jobFactory.CreateAsync<SampleJobWithData, string>();

        // Configure job
        job.Name("Sample Job")
           .Description("This is a sample job")
           .CronSchedule("0 0 12 * * ?")
           .Data(new SampleData()); // Very important! If you don't provide data, running the job will throw an exception.
        // Run job in the background
        await job.FireAsync();

        return Ok();

Using job trees

If you want to run or schedule a job that depends on other jobs, you can use IShimmerJobFactory.CreateTreeAsync.

public class SampleController : Controller
    private readonly IShimmerJobFactory _jobFactory;

    public SampleController(IShimmerJobFactory jobFactory)
        _jobFactory = jobFactory;

    public async Task<IActionResult> RunJob()
        // Create job tree
        var jobTree = await _jobFactory.CreateTreeAsync<SampleJob>();

        // Configure job tree
        jobTree.Name("Sample Job Tree")
                .Description("This is a sample job tree")
                .CronSchedule("0 0 12 * * ?")
                .AddDependentJob<SampleJob2>(); // SampleJob2 will run after SampleJob finishes (every time)

        // Run job tree in the background
        await jobTree.FireAsync();

        return Ok();

It's also possible to configure dependent jobs either by passing an action or an already configured job.

public class SampleController : Controller
    private readonly IShimmerJobFactory _jobFactory;

    public SampleController(IShimmerJobFactory jobFactory)
        _jobFactory = jobFactory;

    public async Task<IActionResult> RunJob()
        // Create job tree
        var jobTree = await _jobFactory.CreateTreeAsync<SampleJob>();

        // Configure job tree
        jobTree.Name("Sample Job Tree")
                .Description("This is a sample job tree")
                .CronSchedule("0 0 12 * * ?")
                .AddDependentJob<SampleJob2>() // SampleJob2 will run after SampleJob finishes (every time)
                .AddDependentJob<SampleJobWithData, SampleData>(j => j.Data(new SampleData())) // SampleJobWithData will run after SampleJob finishes (every time), here we must provide an action to configure the job data
                .AddDependentJob<SampleJob3>(j => j.AddDependentJob<SampleJob4>()); // We can also add more jobs to the tree with an action
        // Run job tree in the background
        await jobTree.FireAsync();

When we have a deeply nested job tree, it might be more advantageous to just pass a configured job instead of an action.

public class SampleController : Controller
    private readonly IShimmerJobFactory _jobFactory;

    public SampleController(IShimmerJobFactory jobFactory)
        _jobFactory = jobFactory;

    public async Task<IActionResult> RunJob()
        // Create job tree
        var jobTree = await _jobFactory.CreateTreeAsync<SampleJob>();

        var dependentJob = await _jobFactory.CreateTreeAsync<SampleJob2>(); // We must create this as a job tree as well
        dependentJob.Name("Sample Job 2")
                    .Description("This is a sample job")
        // Configure job tree
        jobTree.Name("Sample Job Tree")
                .Description("This is a sample job tree")
                .AddDependentJob(dependentJob); // SampleJob2 will run 5 minutes after the current time after SampleJob finishes
        // Run job tree in the background
        await jobTree.FireAsync();

And... that's it! It really is that simple. If you want to learn more about the configuration options, check out IShimmerJobConfigurationBuilder.

Small side note

This project was never meant to replace or completely abstract away Quartz.NET. It was created to make it easier to use Quartz.NET with simple jobs (and simple applications). If you need more control over your jobs, you can always use Quartz.NET directly (with your Shimmer jobs too).


Shimmer is a lightweight wrapper over Quartz.Net that simplifies making jobs







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