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Websocket Server for Minecraft (Bedrock Edition)

How to use

  1. Import PEWSServer-lite.jar (You can download it in the Release page.).

  2. Define you listener factory, this factory creates a listener for every WebSocket connection.

class MyFactory extends MCListenerFactory {
    public MCListener create(WebSocket conn) {
        return new MyListener();

class MyListener implements MCListener {
    public void onCreate(MCClient client) {
        //when finishing connecting

    public void onDestroy(MCClient client) {
        //when disconnecting

    public void onError(MCClient client, MCError error) {
        //when some error occurs in Minecraft Client
  1. Create a WebSocket server:
WSServer server = new WSServer(new InetSocketAddress(19131), new MyFactory());
  1. Run your server:
  1. Now you can connect to this server by using command '/connect your_ip:port' on your client.

How to listen to custom Event

  1. Extend com.xero.mcpews.event.Event.

  2. Add a public static field to store the EventType of this custom Event like this and override method getType(), making it return the EventType field before.

public static final EventType TYPE = EventType.registerEventType("CustomEvent", CustomEvent.class);

public EventType getType() {
    return TYPE;
  1. If you do not want to use Gson to serialize this type of event, you should add a public static method with the following name and signature:
public static CustomEvent fromJson(JsonElement json, Gson gson) {...}

otherwise, WSServer will use {@code gson.fromJson} to serialize it when receiving event with the specific name.

  1. Finally, you can use registerReceiver(CustomEvent.TYPE, myReceiver) to subscribe the custom event.
